
  • 网络gift infant;Gamete intrafallopian transfer
  1. 我把相配的婴儿床床单和保险杠组装好,坐在新的躺椅上整理更多的礼物&婴儿爱因斯坦录音机、发现响声的丝纱罗制的银色的月亮、一个好睡眠故事书。

    I wrestled the matching crib sheet and bumper into the crib and sat in the new glider sorting more gifts & a Baby Einstein video , a silver moon rattle from Tiffany , a Goodnight moon book .

  2. 送圣诞礼物的是婴儿耶稣

    the baby Jesus is the one ... that brings the gifts ,

  3. 因此,他们可以把适当的礼物,东东为婴儿和母亲。

    So they can bring appropriate gifts and goodies for the baby and mother .