
lǐ bài tiān
  • Sunday
礼拜天 [lǐ bài tiān]
  • [Sunday][口]∶星期日(基督教新教谓基督耶稣在该日复活,故拜上帝礼仪多在此日进行)。也叫礼拜日

  1. 我们礼拜天去花市。

    We went to the flower market on Sunday .

  2. 牧师宣布下个礼拜天他布道时要讲说谎者的问题。

    The minister announced that he would preach on the subject of liars1 next Sunday .

  3. 出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。

    He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs .

  4. 到了下个礼拜天,牧师开始布道时说:“如果你们按照我的要求看过《马可福音》的第十七章,现在举手。”几乎每个人都举了手。

    On the following Sunday , when the minister began to preach , he said : " Now , if you have read the seventeenth chapter of Mark as I requested , please raise your hand . " Almost everybody 's hand went up .

  5. 这个礼拜天在Hinkle快餐店如果你能来那真是太好了

    At Hinkle 's , on Saturday . It would be great if you came .

  6. 整个星期里:只有礼拜天,才是理查德克里克。

    All the week : - On Sundays Mister Richard Crick .

  7. 玛丽又给他穿上礼拜天的衣服。

    Then Mary helped him to dress in his Sunday clothes .

  8. 我确实很抱歉给你添麻烦了,特别是在礼拜天。

    I do apologise for troubling you , especially on a sunday .

  9. 你知道吗?上礼拜天是母亲节!

    Do you know that ? Last Sunday was Mother 's Day .

  10. 礼拜天来参加我的生日派对。

    You guys ought to come by Sunday for my birthday party .

  11. 我礼拜天去看了「一页台北」了。

    I watched " Au Revoir Taipei " on Sunday .

  12. 他常要在礼拜天去爬山。

    He will often climb a mountain of a sunday .

  13. 为什么不延到下个礼拜天?

    Why don 't we have it next Sunday instead ?

  14. 这里每个礼拜天早上都有室内花市。

    An indoor flower market is regularly held here on Sunday mornings .

  15. 20年来,他们每个礼拜天都去听那位著名传道教士讲道。

    They sat under the great preacher every Sunday for twenty years .

  16. 他准备下礼拜天去拜访几位朋友。

    He is going to visit his friends next Sunday .

  17. 我们上个礼拜天用的那部机器呢?

    Which is the machine that we used last Sunday ?

  18. 如果他下礼拜天来这儿,请给我打电话。

    Please phone me if he comes here next Sunday .

  19. 你知道文森特在礼拜天对上帝有多不敬吗

    You know Vincent actually did his ungodly act on a Sunday ?

  20. 我想把约会改到礼拜天。

    I 'd like to change our appointment to Sunday .

  21. 上礼拜天,我在她的诞辰聚首上玩得很愉快。

    I enjoyed myself very much at her birthday party last Sunday .

  22. 礼拜天本该好好休息的我

    Sunday 's supposed to be my day of rest , you know

  23. 礼拜天在教堂见面就回东部。

    Back east , we would have met on a Sunday leaving church .

  24. 除了礼拜天外,藏书楼每天开放。

    Excepting Sundays , the library is open daily .

  25. 定了礼拜天开会。

    The meeting is to be held on sunday .

  26. 礼拜天见爱你哟

    I 'll see you Sunday . Love you .

  27. 孙智爱:Him-Uel教堂的这个礼拜天被悲伤的气氛笼罩。

    SOHN JIE-AE : It is a sad Sunday for this Him-Uel church .

  28. 她们穿的锃亮的礼拜天的鞋子,却没穿短袜。

    They are wearing shiny Sunday shoes without socks .

  29. 由于今天是礼拜天,他地沐日。

    Because today is Sunday , his holiday !

  30. 她正弹奏着下个礼拜天唱诗班要唱的圣歌。

    She was playing the hymn which the choir would sing the next Sunday .