
  1. 仅仅是念词的模仿过程;听起来像是模仿的声音。

    A mere parrotlike word-calling process ; a voice quality sounding parrotlike .

  2. 声调协同发音还跟念词和短语的速度有关。

    Tonal coarticulation in word and phrase may be related to the speed with which word or phrase is pronounced .

  3. 那些口袋空空却富于创新的年轻人,厌倦了当时流行的乏味的迪斯科音乐,便创造出了一种新的动感十足的艺术形式:通过配合节奏念词的方式,在言辞上相互较量,并且记录了贫民区的生活。

    Fed up with the insipid2 disco of the times , youth who were short on money but rich in ingenuity3 created a new , dynamic art form : verbally competing and chronicling life in the ghetto by rapping poetry over a beat .

  4. 他们点上蜡烛,为死者念祷词。

    They lit candles and said prayers for the dead .

  5. 我想知道是谁念追悼词。

    I wonder who 'll be giving the eulogies .

  6. 离开或到达的朝觐者大声地念纪念词和大赞辞。

    Making Dhikr and Takbir loudly upon the leaving or arrival of the pilgrims .

  7. 疲惫不堪的牧师喃喃地念祷词。

    The weary priest droned a prayer .

  8. 跟某人重念这个词。

    Repeat the word after sb .

  9. 朝觐者应继续大声诵念应诏词直到宰牲节当天在阿格白投石时结束。

    A pilgrim is to continue chanting Talbiyah in a loud voice until he throws the pebbles of Al - 'Aqabah on the Day of the Nahr ( slaughtering of sacrificial animals ) .

  10. 他们都把目光投向刷希巴,可他正念念有词地跪在地上,双眼坚定地凝视着天空,在想出什么法子之前决计不肯对上任何人的视线。

    They all looked to Thrashbarg , but he was on his knees mumbling and looking very firmly up into the sky and not catching anybody else 's eye until he 'd thought of something .

  11. 博士念完祷告词之后,午饭就开始了。

    Grace having been said by the Doctor , dinner began .

  12. 你念过祷词了吗你写作了吗?

    Have you said your prayers ? Have you done your writing ?

  13. 老师念一个词,全班学生齐声跟读。

    The teacher reads a word , the class says it in concert .

  14. 为出发的朝觐者念宣礼词。

    Giving Adhan upon departure of the pilgrims .

  15. 丽贝卡紧紧地闭上眼睛,低声念着祷词直到我给她打完针。

    Rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over .

  16. 跟着我念下面这些词。

    Repeat the following words after me .

  17. 在他奶奶圣诞节来访的第一夜,一个小男孩正在念他的祈祷词。

    On the first night of his Grandma 's Christmas visit , a small boy was saying his prayers .

  18. 他摇撼我,直摇得我的牙齿卡嗒卡嗒地响,又把我猛推到约瑟夫身边,约瑟夫镇定地念他的祈祷词,然后站起来,发誓说他要马上动身到田庄去。

    He shook me till my teeth rattled , and pitched me beside Joseph , who steadily concluded his supplications and then rose , vowing he would set off for the Grange directly .

  19. 他喃喃念着莎士比亚这个词,从梦中醒了过来。

    Winston woke up with the word ' Shakespeare ' on his lips .

  20. 老师让我们反复念同一个词。

    The teacher made us pronounce the same word over and over again .

  21. 念出几个提示词来。

    Read out a couple of clues .

  22. 英国国教会律师承认说,在他们的教堂中举行的婚礼在法律上是无效的,因为主持婚礼的牧师念的结婚公告词有误。

    Their church weddings are legally invalid because the vicars who married them used the wrong form of words , CofE lawyers admitted .

  23. 英国国教会律师承认说,在他们的教堂中举行的婚礼在法律上是无效的,因为主持婚礼的牧师念的结婚公告词有误。这一错误造成的影响波及了过去30年在全英国的教堂中举行的100万场婚礼。

    Their church weddings are legally invalid because the vicars who married them used the wrong form of words , CofE lawyers admitted.The error affects more than a million weddings celebrated over the past 30 years in churches across England .