
lǐ bài tánɡ
  • church;meeting house
礼拜堂 [lǐ bài táng]
  • [chapel;church] 教堂

  1. 从国际礼拜堂看基督教音乐在上海

    On Christian Music in Shanghai-A Case Study of the Community Church

  2. 他每星期去一次教区礼拜堂。

    He goes to the parish church once a week .

  3. 婚礼将于下月在布朗普顿礼拜堂举行。

    The wedding will be at the Brompton Oratory next month .

  4. 两个城堡都有自己的礼拜堂,非常华美

    Both castles had their own chapels too , which was incredible to see .

  5. 他们的婚礼会在圣乔治礼拜堂(St.George'sChapel)举行婚礼,该礼拜堂的唱诗班会表演。

    Since they are marrying at St. George 's Chapel , the church 's choir - The Choir of St George 's Chapel - will perform .

  6. 另外值得一提的是在圣尼古拉斯礼拜堂里面的白色军旗。

    Also worthy of note is the White Ensign in the St.

  7. 约瑟夫和我经常在星期日到礼拜堂去。

    Joseph and I generally go to chapel on Sundays ' ;

  8. 图示浸信会建于礐石的会址,左下方为该会礼拜堂。

    The building on the lower left is the main chapel .

  9. 圣光之愿礼拜堂增加了许多新任务。

    Dozens of new quests have been added to light 's hope .

  10. 或者像是在礼拜堂或教堂里录制的声音。

    Or like it was recorded inside a chapel or a church .

  11. 奥兰治街小教堂是新教徒的礼拜堂。

    Orange Street chapel is a centre of worship for the protestants .

  12. 要在晚上运到礼拜堂的墓园。

    It is to be carried to the churchyard in the evening .

  13. 然后把这个礼拜堂弄的象一个鸡舍。

    And make that wheeling lsland tabernacle look like a chicken house .

  14. 我站在亨利七世礼拜堂的入口处。

    I stood before the entrance to Henry the Seventh 's chapel .

  15. 大教堂另一侧的小礼拜堂均系中世纪之建筑物。

    The chapels on the other side of the Cathedral are all medieval .

  16. 他经常去圣美达教堂,那是离家最近的礼拜堂。

    He liked to go to Saint-Medard , which is the nearest church .

  17. 她到这个礼拜堂里来做弥撒,不是吗?

    This is the church where she attends mass , is it not ?

  18. (美国国教)管理一个小礼拜堂的牧师。

    ( US Episcopal Church ) a clergyman in charge of a chapel .

  19. 而大学礼拜堂以7秒为间隔敲响钟声

    appear they 're grave and the University Chapel chimes at seven second intervals

  20. 如果听见有人说礼拜堂。

    If you hear somebody talking about'the temple ' .

  21. “妙极,”忒阿杜勒对自己说。“礼拜堂!

    " Capital ," said Theodule to himself .

  22. 礼拜堂里的阳光来自园里。

    The church was lighted from the garden .

  23. 礼拜堂报着三点一刻。

    The clock struck a quarter past three .

  24. 大学里有一个小礼拜堂。

    There is a chapel in the university .

  25. 一百岁,对礼拜堂来说这是青年时期,对一般房屋来说却是衰朽时期了。

    A hundred years is youth in a church and age in a house .

  26. 从礼拜堂出来,朝左,我们可以看见一口井。

    On emerging from the chapel , a well is visible on the left .

  27. 当年在那礼拜堂里也有过一番屠杀。

    A massacre took place in the chapel .

  28. 他定期向耶稣教会的礼拜堂捐款。

    He contributed regularly to the Protestant Churches .

  29. 应该据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个礼拜堂出没。

    supposed to The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel .

  30. 上周一路易斯王子在圣詹姆斯宫殿的皇家礼拜堂接受了洗礼。

    Louis was christened in the Chapel Royal at St James 's Palace last Monday .