
lǐ yí xiǎo jiě
  • Miss Etiquette;ritual girl;guiding girl
  1. 路透社一篇报道的标题中写道:“完美的礼仪小姐远胜奥运会性感的拉拉队员。”莱琳·弗朗哥在奥运赛场上。

    " Perfect hostesses outclass sexy cheerleaders at Games ", reads a headline of a Reuters news story .

  2. 在礼仪小姐的引导下,获奖者一个接一个地走上领奖台

    One after another , the awardees were led by the ceremonial usherette up to the stage where they would get the prizes

  3. 虽然有人很欣赏奥运会性感的一面,也有人更喜欢奥运会上发放奖牌的美丽“完美”的礼仪小姐。

    While some loves the sexy side of the Olympics , others prefer beautiful ," perfect " hostesses handing out medals at the Olympics .

  4. 路透赞叹道,礼仪小姐们身着丝质旗袍,头发挽成整洁的发髻,显得既美丽又优雅。

    Wearing Chinese silk dresses with their hair pulled back tightly into neat buns , the hostesses are beautiful , and elegant , Reuters commended .

  5. 请看新华网的报道:在8月8日到24日奥运会比赛的302个颁奖仪式上礼仪小姐将会身穿五个系列的颁奖礼服出现,每个系列的礼服会出现在不同的比赛现场。

    A total of five series of costumes will be worn by hostesses at the 302 of the August 8-24 Games , with each series being designed for certain sports events .

  6. 《扬子晚报》消息,《首尔体育》周二指出,亚运会礼仪小姐的礼服又薄又紧,有时甚至可以看到里面的内衣。

    Seoul Sports pointed out Tuesday that hostesses of the Asian Games are wearing dresses that are too tight and thin , sometimes revealing their underwear , Yangtse Evening Post reports .

  7. 几位身穿白色水手服,身材高挑儿的礼仪小姐站在只有几摞纸的资料台前相互交头接耳。

    A few wear white jack-tar to take , the figure is carried high before formal young lady stands in the data station that has a few piles of paper only mutual whisper to each other .

  8. 在广州亚运会开幕式上,亚运礼仪小姐吴怡在中外官员致辞时,脸上一直保持微笑长达20分钟,此举使她赢得网友的赞誉,她本人也被称为“微笑姐”。

    The Miss Etiquette of the Guangzhou Asian Games won over Internet users with a 20-minute feat of continuous smiling while officials made speeches during the Games ' opening ceremony . She earned herself the moniker " wei xiaojie , " which means " smiling lady . "