
lǐ wù
  • gift;present;donation;souvenir;shower;contribution;tribute;prezzie;bonsella
礼物 [lǐ wù]
  • (1) [gift; contribution; donation; present; tribute]∶赠送给人的物品

  • (2) [shower]∶朋友或好心祝愿者们带来的物品

  • 新娘收到一批寝具和炊具礼物

礼物[lǐ wù]
  1. 小小礼物,聊表敬意,请笑纳。

    Please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem .

  2. 他似乎认为自己是上帝赐给女人的礼物。

    He seems to think he 's God 's gift to women .

  3. 买结婚礼物,他出的钱最少。

    He gave least of all towards the wedding present .

  4. 我们每人出10元钱给她买礼物。

    We all pitched in $ 10 to buy her a gift .

  5. 你打算送给你父亲什么生日礼物?

    What are you giving your father for his birthday ?

  6. 我就喜欢你送我礼物!

    I just love it when you bring me presents !

  7. 我把你的礼物看作我们之间友谊的见证。

    I looked upon the gift as a seal on our friendship .

  8. 这是送给我的一个孩子的礼物。

    It 's a present for one of my children .

  9. 我给他送点什么生日礼物呢?

    What can I get him for a birthday present ?

  10. 感谢赠我这份礼物,这正是我想要的。

    Thanks for the present ─ it 's just what I wanted .

  11. 我想给爸爸妈妈买件礼物。

    I want to buy a present for my mother and father .

  12. 我得写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。

    I must write and thank Mary for the present .

  13. 衣服适合作为送给十几岁孩子的礼物。

    Clothes are a safe bet as a present for a teenager .

  14. 我要不要给主人家带件礼物呢?

    Shall I take a gift to my host family ?

  15. 这块表是母亲给我的礼物。

    The watch was a gift from my mother .

  16. 这是送给你的生日小礼物。

    Here 's a little something for your birthday .

  17. 生日礼物要等到你生日那天才可打开。

    Don 't unwrap your present until your birthday .

  18. 给你母亲买礼物了吗?

    Did you get a present for your mother ?

  19. 她送给我一块手表作为生日礼物。

    She gave me a watch for my birthday .

  20. 这礼物赠送给她以表达对她长期服务的感激之情。

    She was presented with the gift in gratitude for her long service .

  21. 我要不要给主人家带件礼物呢?

    Shall I take my host family a gift ?

  22. 她每个星期天都来拜访,没有哪一次不带礼物。

    She visited every Sunday and never arrived empty-handed .

  23. 给你母亲买礼物了吗?

    Did you get your mother a present ?

  24. 你收到什么生日礼物了?

    What did you get for your birthday ?

  25. 他们写信来感谢我们赠送的礼物。

    They wrote thanking us for the present .

  26. 那是她心爱的人送的礼物。

    It was a gift from her beloved .

  27. 我对我收到的礼物很满意。

    I was delighted with my presents .

  28. 他突然想到一个好主意,他要送她一条狗作为生日礼物。

    He had an inspiration : he 'd give her a dog for her birthday .

  29. 她不断隐隐暗示她喜欢什么样的礼物。

    She 's been dropping subtle hints about what she 'd like as a present .

  30. 她的口袋里装满了礼物。

    Her pockets were bulging with presents .