首页 / 词典 / good

  • transport;convey;donate;contribute money
  • 从一个地方运送到另一个地方:运~。灌~。~出。~入。~血。~电。

  • 送给,捐献:~纳。捐~。~将(jiāng)。

  • 败,负:~赢。~理。~了两个球。

  • 堕坏,败坏:~平(使其败坏)。

  • 表示,吐露:~心(表示诚心)。~实。~诚。


(运输; 运送) transport; convey:

  • 把电输往每家每户

    carry electricity to every home;

  • 卡车把货物输往边疆地区。

    Commodities are transported to border areas by truck.

  • 油管把原油从油田直接输往港口。

    The pipeline carries crude oil direct from the oil field to the harbour.


[书](捐献) contribute money; donate:

  • 慷慨输将

    make liberal contributions


(失败) lose; be beaten; be defeated:

  • 输了一局

    lose one game in the set;

  • 他认输了。

    He admitted himself beaten.

  • 我运气不好, 打牌总是输。

    I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 输子阳

    Shu Ziyang

  1. MCMGP3三维多群P3近似蒙特卡罗中子输运程序基准检验

    Mcmgp_3 & a 3-D multigroup p_3 Monte Carlo neutron transport code and benchmarks

  2. 分子motor定向输运的反常扩散机制

    Anomalous diffusive mechanism of directed transport of molecular motor

  3. 我输了也没关系。

    If I don 't win it 's no big deal .

  4. 尽管输了,但队员表现得极为勇猛。

    Although the team lost , they played with tremendous spirit .

  5. 除非发生奇迹,否则我们输定了。

    Short of a miracle , we 're certain to lose .

  6. 目前这个国家是燃料净输出国。

    The country is now a net exporter of fuel .

  7. 她把自己的政治前程押在税制改革上,结果赌输了。

    She staked her political career on tax reform , and lost .

  8. 他赌赛马输了很多钱。

    He lost a lot of money on the horses .

  9. 这个队打得不错,但最后还是输了。

    The team put up a good fight but were finally beaten .

  10. 肯尼迪在决赛中以0:6和0:6连输两盘落败。

    Kennedy was outclassed 0 – 6 0 – 6 in the final .

  11. 我们输了,但离赢只差了那么一小点儿。

    We didn 't win but we came close .

  12. 利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续18场不败的纪录。

    Liverpool lost to Leeds , ending an unbeaten run of 18 games .

  13. 我们都认为输了是运气不好。

    We all felt we were unlucky to lose .

  14. 我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。

    We all felt we were unlucky to lose .

  15. 两支球队看似势均力敌,但阿森纳队最后还是输了。

    The two teams seemed evenly matched but Arsenal came off second best .

  16. 在去年类似的一场比赛中红人队输给了牛仔队。

    The Redskins lost to the Cowboys in the corresponding game last year .

  17. 他不幸输了。

    He was very unlucky not to win .

  18. 他们以1:2输给巴西之后在世界杯赛中被淘汰出局。

    They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2-1 defeat to Brazil .

  19. 他是个输不起的人。

    He 's a bad loser .

  20. 卡伦没有输掉任何一场比赛,但所有其他人都输过。

    Karen wasn 't beaten in any of her games , but all the others were .

  21. 他们对在四分之一决赛里输给英格兰队这件事感到非常懊恼。

    They are sore about losing to England in the quarter-finals .

  22. 没人喜欢输。

    No one likes to be on the losing side .

  23. 发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。

    It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser .

  24. 他在去年的决赛中输给了自己的同胞迈克尔·施蒂希。

    He lost last year 's final to fellow countryman Michael Stich .

  25. 你是赢是输都无所谓。

    It doesn 't matter if you win or lose .

  26. 红袜队以一场之差将冠军输给了底特律队。

    The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit by a single game .

  27. 他们在1977年的世界杯决赛中仅以一分之差输给了澳大利亚队。

    They lost the 1977 World Cup final to Australia by a single point

  28. 我们注意力不够集中,结果丢了球,输了比赛。

    We lacked concentration and it cost us the goal and the game .

  29. 如果他们输了,球迷便会很恼火。

    Fans just get the hump when they lose .

  30. 根据平均律,我们不会再输下去了。

    On the law of averages we just can 't go on losing .