首页 / 词典 / good

  • pleased;happy;joyful;cheerful
  • 和悦,快意:~快。~悦。欢~。不~之色。

  • 古同“偷”,苟且敷衍。


(愉快) pleased; happy; joyful; cheerful:

  • 面有不愉之色

    wear an annoyed expression; look displeased

  1. 听着他闲聊,看着他那双绿色的眼睛,她感到悦耳愉目。

    It pleased her to listen to his chatter and to look into his green eyes .

  2. 观察组健康愉快感、工作表现、情感状态、社会参与均明显高于服药前(P<0.05),也明显优于对照组(P<0.05或<0.01)。

    In addition , the patients of treatment group had markedly higher scores in the healthy pleased feeling , work performance , appearance of feeling , social participation than those before treatment and the controls ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  3. 愉星企业是一家特殊的化学品公司,主要致力于复合材料行业,橡胶及硅橡胶行业,木业,PU,胶粘剂行业等领域的产品市场开发。

    ASTAR group is one of the special chemicals company specialized in composite materials ,( silicone ) rubber industry , timber industry , PU industry , adhesives and so on .

  4. 我念它一定是一只悲愉的“小猪”。

    He must be a happy " pig ", I think .

  5. 谈判者确信他们将很愉做成一笔交易。

    Negotiators are confident they can wrap up a deal soon .

  6. 你写作只是为了愉己,还是为了悦人?

    Would you write to please just yourself ? Or others ?

  7. 我大概不必问你旅途愉不愉快。

    I guess I don 't need to ask about your trip .

  8. 对日常生活缺乏兴趣,丧失愉快感;

    loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable ;

  9. 治疗愉尿病应以病为主。

    Treats the cheerful urine sickness to get sick primarily .

  10. 说到减肥,愉懒的人是永远不会成功的。

    When it comes to diet , slackers never succeed .

  11. 制定激励政策,让英语学习变得轻松愉跃!

    Motivate them ! Make learning fun and stress free .

  12. 印象派画家往往画色彩鲜明、令人愉陕的画。

    The Impressionists tended to paint bright , cheerful pictures .

  13. 他们重视文学活动任性愉情的一面以及对物态美的感受和表现力,肯定艺术个性的价值。

    They affirmed the value of artistic individual character .

  14. 野草很愉就覆没了弱小的植物而使其枯萎。

    The weeds quickly choke less robust plants .

  15. 运动愉快感是与锻炼心理效应有关的非常重要的变量和因素。

    Enjoyment is an important variant and factor related to psychological effects of exercise .

  16. 结果表明:有63.74%的居民体验到了运动愉快感,这部分居民大多是2人或2人以上结伴或集体进行体育锻炼,而且他们的运动量显著大于无运动愉快感的居民。

    The results showed that : 63.74 % residents get the enjoyment of exercise .

  17. 他的病在加重,愉要不能走动了。

    He is getting worse , and he will not be able to walk .

  18. 愿你过个最愉锐的圣诞节。

    May you hae the best Christmas eer .

  19. 正在圣诞节那天,人们相互恭喜“圣诞悲愉”。

    On Christmas Day , people say " Merry Christmas " to each other .

  20. 使我悲愉的是,当我讲一些英语时,他们皆能听懂。

    I was glad that when I spoke a little English , they all understood .

  21. 亦或是借替人书写而愉己?

    Or yourself by writing for others ?

  22. 运动愉快感与锻炼的心理效应

    Enjoyment and Psychological Effects of Exercise

  23. 我希望您在快愉得过镇古,并找到您想要的灯。

    I hope you will enjoy your stay in Guzhen and find the lamps you want .

  24. 特愉车费是多少钱?

    What 's the express charge ?

  25. 原来爱丽丝恰巧走在白兔的旁边,白兔正焦急地偷愉看着她的脸呢。

    She was walking by the White Rabbit , who was peeping anxiously into her face .

  26. 愉景湾整体发展计划

    Discovery Bay Development Master Plan

  27. 其新位置在愉景湾码头附近之公众洗手间后面。

    The new location is at the rear of the public lavatory near the Discovery Bay pier .

  28. 为了提升工作之时的幸福感和愉快感,可以尝试下面的方法:

    In order to be amp up your happiness and engagement at work , try the following :

  29. 愉景湾航运服务有限公司

    Discovery Bay Transportation Services Limited

  30. 加气起泡奶酒色泽浅黄带绿,奶香、酒香、清雅舒愉,酸甜爽口,泡沫较细,有杀口感。

    Air entraining milk wine is yellow and green in color with fine foaming and pleasant taste .