
  • 网络The Wall;graffiti wall
  1. 奇怪的是,雅虎还成立了一个在互联网周刊纽约总部的数码涂鸦墙。

    Oddly enough , Yahoo had also set up a digital graffiti wall at Internet Week New York 's headquarters .

  2. 就在前几天,另外一个以北京奥运会为主题的涂鸦墙在中国东北吉林省一座老建筑的墙上落成。

    A few days ago , another Olympic themed graffiti wall appeared on an aged building in Changchun city , in north-east China'sJilin province .

  3. 这是熟悉的发布到用户涂鸦墙的Web页面,与Facebook提供的一样。

    This is the familiar Web page for posting to the user 's wall as served by Facebook .

  4. 同一年,Facebook的“涂鸦墙”也同时亮相,目前已近成为社交网络的主流。

    The facebook " wall , " now a staple of the social network , also makes its debut .

  5. 你对这件事得很小心,就是让你的社交前线公开,基本上是指你Facebook的涂鸦墙,这样人们就不会半夜在上面留言,因为这效用是相当的。

    And so you have to be careful about leaving your front line open , which is basically your Facebook wall , so that people don 't write on it in the middle of the night & because it 's very much the equivalent .

  6. 我打印了女儿的涂鸦墙。

    I took off my daughter 's facebook wall .

  7. 沿街再走一个街区,一块喷满涂鸦的混凝土墙突兀地立在一座其貌不扬的博物馆门旁。

    A block down the street , a chunk of graffiti-sprayed concrete has been stuck beside the door of a very modest museum .