
  • 网络drg;Digital Raster Graphic;Digital Raster Graphic,DRG
  1. 4D产品指的是数字栅格地图(DRG),数字线划地图(DLG),数字高程模型(DEM)和数字正射影像图(DOM)四种数字测绘产品。

    4D presents Digital Raster Graphic , Digital Line Graphic , Digital Elevation Model and Digital Orthophoto Map .

  2. 数字栅格地图的制作

    The Making of Digital Raster Graphic

  3. 数字栅格地图(DRG)是地形图数字化4D产品之一,其生产与质量控制是构建地形图数据库的基础。

    DRG is one of the4D products of digital maps , whose production and quality control is the foundation of topographic database .

  4. 高精度数字栅格地图的制作方法

    Production technique of digital raster graphy

  5. 如何从数字线划图制作数字栅格地图

    How to do Digital Raster Graphic from Digital Line Graphic

  6. 一种利用数字线划图快速生产数字栅格地图的方法

    A Way of Fast Production of Digital Raster Graphics Based on Digital Line Graph

  7. 以数字正射影像图、数字高程模型、数字栅格地图、数字线划地图为代表的4D产品是测绘技术发展到当今历史阶段的产物。

    The 4D productions is the historic result of the developing of the surveying technical , which are digital orthophoto map , digital elevation model , digital raster map and digital line map .