
  1. 我试着给他拍一张在水中的照片。

    I tried to get a shot of him in the water .

  2. 本月初,一张在网络上转发的照片打动了许多网友。

    Earlier this month , an image circulated online moved many netizens .

  3. 这张在晨光中泛着莹光的网,里面织着可爱而又神秘的图案,看起来就如同一层纤美的面纱。

    The web glistened in the light and made a pattern of loveliness and mystery , like a delicate veil .

  4. 额,是的,我们有两张在CarnegieHall的音乐会门票。

    Greg : Well , yes , we have tickets to a concert at Carnegie Hall .

  5. 肺不张在纤维光导支气管镜下的表现及其发生机制的分析

    The characteristics and Mechanism of Atelectasis under Fiberoptic Bronchoscope

  6. 托马斯送给她一张在破浪前进中溅起浪花的“克洛西德号”的照片。

    Thomas had sent her a photograph of the clothilde , spraying through a wave .

  7. 我要预订一张在情人节那天吃晚餐的桌子。

    I 'd like to reserve a table for the dinner on Valentine 's Day .

  8. 斜桁中帆下缘张在斜桁上的三角形或四边形轻帆斜楔作用确定回程成形模

    A light triangular or quadrilateral sail set over a gaff . positive-return cam action forming die

  9. 列出一张在你被那双爱慕的眼睛下让你看到自己拥有的东西。

    Make a list of all the things you let yourself believe when you saw yourself mirrored in loving eyes .

  10. 两名运动员之后都刊登了一张在中央电视台被抓获的男人照片,他们希望与这位涉嫌盗窃的男子交谈。

    Both athletes later published a photo of a man captured on CCTV who they wished to talk to about the alleged thefts .

  11. 所以不奇怪,这张在新郎新娘面前,一名婚礼嘉宾向其女友求婚的图片传到网上后,引起了公怒和嘲讽。

    And so it is unsurprising that a picture showing a wedding guest proposing to his girlfriend right in front of the bride and groom at their reception has been met with outrage and ridicule online .

  12. 如果他说的是对的,我百分百肯定他还没有遇见过一个中国人。因为他的鼻子还好端端的张在他脸上,也没有“暴民”来踢他的屁股。

    If he was right , I am100 percent sure that he hadn 't met even one single Chinese man , because his nose is still on his face and no " goon " has kicked his ass.

  13. 成长也就像一张在阳光下反射出五颜六色的唱片,按以下重拨键,便可以细听以往灌注的成长乐章,再次使我的心中泛起涟漪。

    Growth in the sun like a colorful reflection of the records , according to the following redial button , they can listen to the past , the growth of reperfusion movement , again to make up my mind ripple .

  14. 证明了张在第一届全国几何不等式研讨会上所提出的关于单形旁切球半径与其体积之间的一个几何不等式的猜想。

    In this paper , the problem of a geometric inequality conjecture on the radius and the volume of escribed sphere of simplex is mainly discussed , which was put at the first session discussing for geometric inequality by Zhang Yao .

  15. 那张纸在高温下开始起皱卷曲。

    The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat .

  16. 那张桌子在重压下嘎吱嘎吱作响。

    The table creaked and groaned under the weight .

  17. 这张照片在档案室中藏了40多年。

    The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years

  18. 整张选辑在最后一曲优美的旋律中结束。

    The last track finishes this compilation beautifully .

  19. 我随便浏览文件时发现了一张我在办公室喝咖啡的照片。

    Trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office .

  20. 她把那张纸在手里揉成一团。

    She crumpled the paper in her hand

  21. 我最后的一张支票在我的账上已经透支了几先令。

    My last cheque overdrew my account by a few shillings .

  22. 1840年,第一张邮票在英国诞生,寄生日贺卡变得更容易、更便宜、更受欢迎。

    In 1840 the first stamp was used in Britain and sending birthday cards became easier , cheaper and more popular .

  23. 如果英国也遵循这种早已被很多北欧国家采用的方案,就意味着店内会摆放一种机器,它能识别出被投入的空瓶空罐,并印出一张可在该店消费的代金券。

    If the UK follows the sort of scheme adopted long ago across much of northern Europe , the empty bottles and cans would go into a machine that would identify them and give you a coupon1 to spend in the shop .

  24. 迪士尼近日公布了几张即将在今年年底上映的动画片《超能陆战队》(BigHero6)的最新海报。

    Disney has released new posters for the upcoming animated feature Big Hero 6 .

  25. Nike也在其中文网站上粘贴了一张她在比赛中的照片。

    Nike plastered a photo of her from the match on its Chinese website .

  26. Adele的《21》这张专辑在37周后依然排名美国唱片billboard榜的前五名。

    Adele 's album 21 is still in America 's top five after 37 weeks on the billboard chart .

  27. 伍兹周二发布了两张他在艾尔沃斯EA体育比赛中拍摄的照片,称这是一个“在办公室艰难的一天。”

    Woods posted two tweets Tuesday of photos from his EA Sports shoot at Isleworth , referring to one as a " tough day at the office . "

  28. 据What'sOnWeibo报道,一些中国媒体认为牌子上的警告是针对中国顾客,之后这张照片在网上被频频转发。

    According to What 's On Weibo , the photo was widely shared after Chinese media outlets reported that the notice was aimed directly at Chinese customers .

  29. 鲜花,蛋糕和玩具车给到ArtyomSavelyev,他带着他养母给的一张纸条在上周就被单独送到莫斯科。

    Flowers , a cake and toy car went to Artyom Savelyev who was sent unaccompanied to Moscow last week with a note from his adoptive mother .

  30. 他给我几张纸在上面穿洞。

    He gave me some sheets of paper to prick holes .