
  1. 但张彭也表示,人们对他们的举动普遍持怀疑态度。

    Nevertheless , Zhang says the general response has been skepticism .

  2. 张彭回忆过去的一个月时间,他们仍然遭遇上座率较低的尴尬。

    Zhang says that , with just over a month under their belt , they have still had trouble filling seats .

  3. 张彭在接受杂志专访时表示:我们会自掏腰包来承担每月一万多元的开销,我们坚守无偿服务这个承诺至少一年的时间。

    " We will bear the cost [ over 10,000 yuan a month ] ourselves and stick to our free promise for at least one year ," Zhang assured a magazine .

  4. 张彭建议到,该活动可以进行在线预约,网站上有行车时刻表,全程共设39个车站。你只需要选择好你的车站,在交友公交将到时会有短信提示你。

    Zhang recommends making a reservation on their website , which has a timetable of all 39 stops on the route - just pick your stop and an SMS will warn you of the love bus 's imminent arrival ;