
áo quǎn
  • mastiff;fierce dog
獒犬 [áo quǎn]
  • [Mstiff]一種凶猛的大型犬类,原产地英国,起源于公元前1000年。

  1. 由斗牛犬和獒犬杂交得到的大型健壮的品种。

    Large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff .

  2. 这家伙似乎并不关心世界和解决有一个伟大的时间,他的侄子自行车和他的狗玩-1岁2个月的法国獒犬,被他亲切通话韦埃尔。

    The dude doesn 't seem to care about the world and resolves to have a great time , cycling with his nephews and playing with his dog-a2 month old French Mastiff , whom he lovingly calls Veer .

  3. 星期二,几只斗牛獒犬突然袭击它们的主人,在警察赶到之前狗的主人已经死亡。

    The dogs attacked the man in his garden tuesday , killing him before the police arrived .

  4. 我有很多狗儿朋友&体形硕大的獒犬,长着一对温柔大眼睛的西班牙长耳犬,顽皮聪明的塞特犬和忠诚、朴实的短毛犬。

    I have had many dog friends & huge mastiffs , soft-eyed spaniels , wood-wise setters and honest , homely bull terriers .

  5. 我有很多狗儿朋友——体形硕大的獒犬,长着一对温柔大眼睛的西班牙长耳犬,顽皮聪明的塞特犬和忠诚、朴实的短毛犬。

    I have had many dog friends - huge mastiffs , soft-eyed spaniels , wood-wise setters and honest , homely bull terriers .