
zhāo yánɡ ɡōnɡ yè
  • Chaoyang Industry;new/fledgling industry
  1. 高新技术被人们称为朝阳工业,然而,高新技术同时也是高风险的技术。

    However , it is also a kind of technology taking on high risk .

  2. 朝阳工业包括使用机器人、集成电路等高科技行业

    The sunrise industries include the hi-tech ones requiring the use of robots , integrated circuits and the like

  3. 高新技术产业自形成之日起就呈现出一派生机,享有朝阳工业之美誉。

    High-tech industry is showing a vigor since it appeared and enjoys the reputation of " sunrise industry " .

  4. 在当今旅游业被公认为朝阳工业的时代背景下,探讨旅游课题具有十分必要的意义。

    Today as tourism industry is recognized as a sunrise industry , the research and study on tourism become essential .

  5. 气雾剂工业在我国是属于新兴的“朝阳工业”,在以后的一段时间将会保持较快的发展速度。

    Aerosol industry in China is a new " Chaoyang Industry ," in the following period of time will maintain a relatively rapid pace of development .

  6. 旅游业作为朝阳工业、绿色产业在国民经济和人民生活中的作用日益显现,旅游业的发展与历史文物存在着千丝万缕的关系。

    Tourism plays an increasingly important part in developing national economy and improving the standards of living , whose development is closely related with the preservations of cultural relics .

  7. 信息产业是我国政府继旅游业之后大力倡导、政策扶持的“朝阳工业”,也是锦州市发展规划确定的新的经济增长点。

    Information industry is the " Rising-sun Industry " greatly advocated and supported after tourism by our government . It is also the newly-confirmed economic growing point in Jinzhou 's city development plans .

  8. 文化产业作为21世纪的战略性产业,被誉为朝阳产业、无烟工业、知识工业,受到了包括中国在内的世界各国的重视。

    As the strategic industry of 21st century , cultural industry which is called " Hopeful industry ", " Smokeless industry " and " Knowledge industry " is valued by countries all over the world , including China .

  9. 旅游业又称为朝阳产业和无烟工业,是二战以来发展最快的第三产业之一,在快速发展的旅游类型当中,都市旅游已经成为现代旅游的重要形式,市场潜力巨大。

    Tourism industry is also called the rising industry and the smokeless industry . It has been one of the tertiary industries with the fastest developing speed since World War II . Among the fast-developing travel type , the urban tourism has already become the important form of modern tourism .