
  • 网络use test;Servic Test
  1. 反舰导弹武器系统靶场作战使用试验研究

    Research on Operational Use Test for Antiship Missile Weapon Systems at Range

  2. 论述了作战使用试验的基本理论。

    Basic theory of operational use test is discoursed .

  3. AOD炉用白云石砖的使用试验

    Application experiment of dolomite brick for AOD furnace

  4. 开发的MgO-Al2O3-C砖,在电炉全连铸45t钢包受铜部位进行了实际使用试验,显示出优良的抗冲刷和耐蚀损性能。

    Magnesia-alumina-carbon bricks have been developed and used in the impacting zone of the 45t continuous casting ladle for electric furnace .

  5. SJ汽油机油实车使用试验

    The field test of SJ gasoline engine oils

  6. 经过试验室及行车使用试验证明:研制油达到SD/CC10W/30级通用内燃机油标准。

    It was proven to meet the specification for SD / CC 10W / 30 universal internal combustion oil by the laboratory and the road performancetests .

  7. 不同品牌导热油搀混使用试验研究

    Test and research on using different quality of blended heat conducting oil

  8. 10号寒区低增压柴油机油的使用试验

    Performance Tests of Low-supercharged Diesel Oil Used in No. 10 Cold Region

  9. 电动汽车在国外的使用试验

    TESTING Using a operator that E. Service Test of Overseas Electric Vehicles

  10. 新型芯棒润滑剂的使用试验

    Trial use of a new lubricant for mandrel bar

  11. 偏Y-3A分子筛裂化催化剂工业使用试验

    Performance test of META-Y-3A molecular sieve cracking catalyst

  12. 共交Y型分子筛裂化催化剂工业使用试验

    Commercial test of cogelled Y-type zeolite cracking catalyst

  13. 介绍了球墨铸铁在低温条件下的机械性能和使用试验的结果。

    Its mechanical characteristics and testing results used in low temperature are also presented .

  14. 罗氏沼虾育苗后海水的净化及重复使用试验水稻机摆钵育苗气吸滚筒式自动清堵排种器

    Suction drum-type seed metering device with auto-cleaning block of transplanter for tray grown rice seedling

  15. PR&A型重整催化剂工业使用试验

    Commercial test of PR-A reforming catalyst

  16. 本文叙述了不同材料与工艺制备的喷嘴性能,及使用试验。

    This paper presents the properties and service test of nozzles with varied composition and processes .

  17. 烟草复合抑芽剂的地区适应性使用试验

    District Adaptability of Tobacco-bud-control Compound

  18. 产品经工业现场使用试验证明,极压抗磨性能完全能够满足设备的使用要求。

    Antiwear - extreme pressure properties of the products can meet the requirement by industrial field tests .

  19. 通过车辆使用试验证明,该回路的改造是成功的。

    The application testing of the truck shows that it has been successful for the circuit modification .

  20. 世界卫生组织决定出于道德考虑使用试验药物对抗埃博拉。

    The World Health Organization decided it 's ethical to use experimental drugs to try to fight Ebola .

  21. 选用桑塔纳出租车进行实车使用试验,考察汽油机油SJ15W/40、SJ10W/40的实际使用性能。

    The SJ 15W / 40,10W / 40 gasoline engine oils are investigated with SANTANA taxi in field test .

  22. 我国发射的可重复使用试验航天器在轨飞行2天后于9月6日上午成功返回预定着陆场。

    China 's reusable experimental spacecraft landed at a preset site on Sunday morning after two days in orbit .

  23. 参照实车数据将以上模型整合为驾驶员损伤分析模型,并使用试验数据验证模型的有效性。

    The results show that the model for driver injury analysis was in good accordance with the real test data .

  24. 针对战术反舰导弹武器系统,提出了作战使用试验的基本思路、内容和方法。

    Basic thinking , content and methods of operational use test are proposed in view of tactical antiship missile systems .

  25. 并使用试验方法得到使模糊决策树达到性能最优时参数α的取值。

    The parameter α' s value that makes fuzzy decision tree reach its performance optimal has been got through the experiments .

  26. 本文使用试验测量和数理统计分析的方法,首次采用稳定分布来描述大电阻介质点焊时电极间的初始电阻分布。

    In this paper , the stable distribution is firstly used to describe the distribution of the initial resistance between the electrodes .

  27. 通过2种轧制油乳化液的对比使用试验,分析了乳化液使用性能对轧后带钢表面清洁度的影响;

    The influence of emulsion performance on surface cleanness of cold rolled sheet is analyzed by comparing two kinds of rolling oil emulsion .

  28. 本文阐述了NDH&A型核子土基密度、含水量联合测定仪的测量原理、标定方法、使用试验及测试数据的分析。

    This paper has described the measure principles , the calibration method , the application test and data analysis of the nuclear-earth-base-density-moisture-gauge of type NDH-A.

  29. 当以大眼金枪鱼为目标鱼种时,建议使用试验钓具,以提高捕捞效率;

    When the target species was bigeye tuna , the experimental gear was suggested to be used in the operation to increase the fishing efficiency ;

  30. 自从我们开发者这项新技术,我们便把代码放到了网上,这样其他人可以使用试验它。

    And ever since we discovered this new technology , we made our code available online so that others could use and experiment with it .