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  1. 但存在于NiAl/Cr(Mo)相界的Ni2AlHf相使相界呈台阶状,这使得合金的室温压缩塑性和韧性降低。

    But the Ni_2AlHf Heusler phase , existing at the NiAl / Cr ( Mo ) interface , makes the NiAl / Cr ( Mo ) interface serrated and leads to the lower ductility and toughness .

  2. 发现提高搅拌转速使相转变提前,升高聚合温度、增加引发剂用量、提高PMI及橡胶含量都使转相期延迟。

    It was found that the higher the polymerization temperature and concentrations of PB , initiator and PMI , the earlier the phase inversion occurred , but with raised agitation rate in a later phase inversion .

  3. 提出了一种新的最小二乘迭代算法,能有效消除因相移器存在导向误差面使相移平面倾斜从而导致的相移误差。

    A new algorithm by iterative least squares fitting in phase shifting interferometry is presented .

  4. 预变形增加了材料的应变,提高位错密度,前者使相分解发生的驱动力增大,延缓了时效动力学过程;

    The pre-deformation leads to increase of the strain of materials and the density of dislocation .

  5. 在配合物中,两个顺磁性金属离子间需要间隔一个或多个抗磁性原子才能使相转移温度有一定程度的提高。

    In this kind of complexes , one or more diamagnetic atoms are between two paramagnetic metal ion .

  6. 为了特殊的目的或用处而提前做好准备或使相配合。

    Make ready or suitable in advance for a particular purpose or for some use , event , etc.

  7. 针对压电陶瓷相移器存在的蠕变特性,采用线性变化的驱动电压,使相移器由于自身的蠕变而产生连续相移;

    For the creep , the continuous voltage is applied to the shifter , and continuous phase-shifting is obtained with creep effect itself .

  8. 点燃这头,那头就会着火,这片纸的热使相临区域着火,照此下去,直到整张纸都燃烧起来。

    Ignite one end and the other end catches fire , the heat from this piece ignites the area next to it and so on until the whole sheet is ablaze .

  9. 随着声源频率降低、阵元间距减小、阵元个数减少以及适当的幅度加权可以使相控线阵辐射声束主瓣角不断变宽。

    By lowering the acoustic wave frequency , reducing inter-element spacing , decreasing the number of the elements or using weighted phased array , main radiation lobe of phased array can be widened gradually .

  10. 文中对液压支架解体搬运和整体搬运进行了初步分析,可知液压支架整体搬运可使相临工作面液压支架搬运工艺简化,搬运工期缩短,搬运成本降低。

    This paper makes an analysis on the in - whole and in - part portage of hydraulic support , In which is showed that in whole portage can make the adjacent mining face portage technology simplified , the portage period shorten and the cost reduced .

  11. 由于GPS的全网同步采样,使同步相量测量成为可能。

    Synchronized sampling over an entire power system based on GPS makes simultaneous phasor measurements available .

  12. P2O5也使可溶相的溶解速率加快。

    The dissolution rate of the soluble sodium borate phase increases with the addition of a small amount of P_2O_5 .

  13. 提高溶氧会使气相的CO2分压同时加大,而降低纤维素的生产速率。

    And increase of dissolved oxygen percentage would also increase gas phase CO2 partial pressure , as a result , production rate of cellulose reduced ;

  14. 高温有利于提高Nafion的溶胀度,使体相内的磺酸基团更易接近。

    High temperature profits to enhance the swelling capacity of Nafion and makes the bulk phase more accessible .

  15. 非调质钢中增氮,改变了钒在相间的分布,促进V(C,N)析出,使析出相的颗粒尺寸明显减小,从而增强了钒的沉淀强化作用,大幅度提高钢的强度。

    An enhanced nitrogen content promotes the precipitating of V ( C , N ) and decreases the particles size of V ( C , N ) precipitates , hence increases precipitation strengthening effect of vanadium .

  16. 使低相噪VCO的设计及调试能免于低频振荡的干扰,从而有利于提高VCO的各项指标。

    This makes design and producing VCOs can avoid the disturbing of low frequency oscillation , and improve the features of VCOs .

  17. 形成的钙钛矿结构中,Tb3+取代Pb2+进入晶格位置,产生阳离子空位,诱发晶格畸变,使钙钛矿相的析晶能力比相同热处理条件下未掺杂Tb3+的PT低。

    The substitution of Tb 3 + for Pb 2 + induces lattice aberrance , which resulted in lowering the crystallization ability of perovskite and the tetragonality of the powders as well .

  18. 较高的剪切速率使PA6相尺寸减小,分散更均匀;

    Lower shearing rate is liable to cause PA 6 phase size larger and uneven distrbution , and higher shearing rate , phase size smaller and even distribution .

  19. POP对PP的增韧效果不及POE,DSC结果显示POP的加入使PP相的结晶度降低,PP和POP具有一定的相容性。

    The toughening effect of POP on PP is less than POE , DSC results showed that the crystallinity of PP phase decreased when the POP added , PP and POP have some compatibility .

  20. 通过最近的研究表明,在热蒸馏过程中,硼同位素会发生明显的分馏,11B倾向于进入蒸汽相,而使残余相或后蒸馏相亏损11B,形成较低的δ11B值。

    Our recent research shows that there is obvious fraction in distillation process and 11B inclined to enter gas phase .

  21. 试验表明Mo含量的增加使环形相增厚;Mo含量和Co/Ni含量比为抗弯强度的两个主要成分影响因素。

    It was presented that the surrounding structures were thickened as the Mo content increased , the Mo content and the Co / Ni ratio were the main factors for improving the transverse rupture strength of TiC-based cermet .

  22. 结果表明:吸铸有利于钛钒铬基合金单一BCC结构固溶体相的形成,使合金相的点阵常数略有减小;

    It is showed that suction cast is beneficial to the formation of a single solid solution phase with BCC structure resulting in the slight decrease of the lattice parameters .

  23. ATLA-RA与天狼星昴宿星联盟使用这种能量,使晶体相结合以网络这种能量。

    The Atla-Ra with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance used this energy , combined with crystals , to network this energy .

  24. 实验烧成的熟料中含有较多的C3S,同时使液相条件下形成的C3S亚微结构得到了改善,因而熟料具有较高强度。

    The Portland clinker contains more C3S and its micro - structure is improve , so the strength of the clinker is higher .

  25. 大气压电离质谱的出现,成功地解决了液相色谱和质谱联用的接口问题,使液相色谱.质谱联用(LC-MS)逐渐发展成为成熟的技术。

    With the emergence of atmospheric pressure ionization ( API ), combined high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry ( LC / MS ) technique has been rapidly developed in past two decades .

  26. 利用SEM观察共混物的冲击断面形貌,结果表明,PET与LDPE完全不相容,GPE能明显改善PET与LDPE共混物的相容性,使分散相颗粒细化。

    The result of an observation of the impact section of the blend by SEM showed PET was incompatible with LDPE , but the compatibility of PET with LDPE could be improved by GPE , making the dispersion particle more fine .

  27. 添加合金元素V、Nb和Mo使ZrCr2Laves相化合物硬度及脆性度降低,断裂韧度显著提高,即合金化对ZrCr2Laves相起软化作用。

    The hardness and brittleness of ZrCr_2 Laves phase decrease , the fracture toughness is enhanced with the addition of alloying elements V , Nb and Mo , which implies that alloying has a softening effect on the mechanical properties of the ZrCr_2 Laves phase .

  28. 碱、硫和MgO等微组分含量高能使液相表面张力降低,特别是碱的硫酸盐含量高将使液相表面张力降低更明显。

    High content of minor components such as alkali , sulfur and MgO etc can lead to a reduction in the surface tension of the liquid phase , especially when the content of alkali sulfate is high , the effect is more remarkable .

  29. 铅离子的掺杂有利于110K相的形成,但若铅离子进入锶离子格位将使110K相的性质变坏。

    The Pb doping in the favor of the formation of 110K phase in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductor . However , if Pb occupies the position of Sr , the properties of 110K phase will go deteriorative .

  30. 两个方向的两英里以内都没有地方可以使他们相擦而过。

    There was no room to pass for two miles in either direction .