
shǐ guǎn
  • embassy;diplomatic mission
使馆 [shǐ guǎn]
  • [embassy] 外交使节在所驻国家的办公机关

使馆[shǐ guǎn]
  1. 莫斯科大学与俄罗斯驻华使馆有直接的协作关系,前往莫大学习的入学手续办理极为简便。

    Muscovite university and Russia are stationed in China diplomatic mission has immediate synergic concern , the formalities of enter a school that heads for greatest study is dealt with very handy .

  2. 一位年轻的警察在大门紧闭的使馆外站岗。

    One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates .

  3. 私人民意调查和使馆报告表明投票结果将会是否决。

    Private polls and embassy reports pointed to a no vote .

  4. 那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放。

    The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released .

  5. 当他们逃进使馆大院时,警察向他们开了枪。

    Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound .

  6. 他在使馆俱乐部度过了几个狂欢夜。

    He had spent several uproarious evenings at the Embassy Club

  7. 使馆保安人员不允许他和夫人进入。

    Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife

  8. 他们用卡车撞破使馆的大门。

    They used lorries to batter down embassy gates .

  9. 示威者用卡车撞开了使馆大门。

    The demonstrators used trucks to smash through embassy gates

  10. 在对难民到使馆寻求庇护一事产生严重分歧后,西班牙召回了其大使。

    Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy

  11. 海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗。

    The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag

  12. 伊朗在伦敦重开使馆。

    Iran reopened its embassy in London

  13. 波兰驻华使馆一秘WojciechJakobiec

    Wojciech Jakobiec , first secretary of the embassy of Poland in China

  14. 2020年10月,伦敦大都会警察局将这批文物交接给中国驻英使馆。

    The Metropolitan Police Service handed the artifacts to the Chinese embassy in October .

  15. 七)家驻外使馆、馆和其他外交代表机构

    The country 's embassies , consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries . (

  16. 大部分在阿公民已经在使馆安排下先期回国。

    Most of the Chinese nationals in Afghanistan have already returned to China thanks to the arrangement of the embassy .

  17. 中国驻阿富汗使馆仍在正常运作,中国驻阿大使和使馆人员仍在履行职责。

    The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan is still operating normally . The Chinese Ambassador and embassy staff are fulfilling their duties .

  18. 现在还有一些自愿留下的零星人员,使馆同他们保持着密切联系,目前他们都是安全的。

    For those few people who chose to stay , the embassy is in close contact with them . They are all safe and sound so far .

  19. 中国驻阿使馆将继续密切关注阿局势发展,为每一位在阿中国公民提供必要服务和帮助。

    The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan will continue to follow closely the developments of the situation in Afghanistan and provide necessary service and assistance to every Chinese citizen there .

  20. Cluster聚集,使成群登山者聚集取暖.广场上聚集着成群的人.大多数的外国使馆都聚集在这一区.

    The mountain-climbers clustered together for warmth . The square was clustered with people . Most of the foreign embassies are clustered in this area .

  21. 使馆的能源官员在外交电报中报告称,我们想要的不只是一份向新闻界发表的声明。铀壹公司执行副总裁保罗·克拉克(toldtheembassy's)在6月10日告诉他。

    We want more than a statement to the press , Paul Clarke , a Uranium One executive vice president , told the embassy 's energy officer June 10 , the officer reported in a cable .

  22. 它在上海运营着尊尼获加尊邸(JohnnieWalkerHouse),其网站说,这是威士忌文化的使馆。

    In Shanghai , it runs the Johnnie Walker House , where , according to its website , it is an embassy for whisky culture .

  23. Jon——我将让我的大使提问,我想他有一个通过使馆网站提的问题。

    Jon -- I 'm going to call on my Ambassador because I think he has a question that was generated through the Web site of our embassy .

  24. 塔利班分子声称为爆炸事件负责,称一名男子对印度使馆外一辆SUV实施了爆炸。

    The Taliban has claimed responsibility , saying that a man blew up an SUV outside the Indian embassy . Indian officials say they targeted the embassy .

  25. 又或者,本•阿弗莱克的《逃离德黑兰》(Argo),关于营救在伊朗的美国使馆工作人员影片,冥冥之中将掀起好莱坞讽刺剧扣人心弦的逃生热潮。

    Or that Ben Affleck 's Argo , about rescuing American embassy workers in Iran , would somehow nail the Hollywood satire nail-biting escape genre .

  26. 美国驻印度大使馆发言人弗鲁曼(PeterVrooman)说,该使馆在联系马那里有关部门,但他拒绝置评。

    Peter Vrooman , a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi , said the embassy was in touch with authorities in Manali , but he declined to comment further .

  27. 公司的发言人YoshiakiOnodera说日本驻京使馆的官员在周六和四人见面。

    Officials from the Japanese Embassy in Beijing met with the four men on Saturday , said company spokesman Yoshiaki Onodera .

  28. 东京的一名外汇策略师表示,这是因为欧美官员就福岛(fukushima)核电站反应堆的状况发表了一连串悲观言论,且美英驻日使馆改变了旅行建议。

    One currency strategist in Tokyo said this was because of the flow of gloomy comments about the state of the Fukushima reactors by European and US officials and the change in travel advice from the US and UK embassies .

  29. 目前不能是FCO、英国使馆文化教育处以及志奋领奖学金计划的任何合作伙伴或直接关联组织的员工或员工直系家属。

    Not be a current employee or direct family of an employee of the FCO , British council , any joint partner of the Chevening scheme , or directly related organizations .

  30. 德州公司PageSoutherlandPage公司的托马斯·麦卡锡曾为美国设计过17座外交使馆建筑群。他为将当地传统融入到驻瓦加杜古大使馆建筑所做出的贡献感到自豪,比如,阴凉却露天的等候室和外部墙面曲折的绘画图案。

    Thomas McCarthy of Page Southerland Page , a Texan firm which has designed 17 American diplomatic compounds , is very proud of the tributes to local tradition it incorporated into the embassy in Ouagadougou , for example , in the form of a shaded but open-air waiting area and a zigzag decorative motif on the external walls .