
  1. InternetWeb服务是必须仅仅使用公开的应用程序消息或传输协议的企业Web服务。

    Internet web services are enterprise web services that MUST only use open application messaging or transport protocols .

  2. 本系列的5篇文章将提供一个使用公开可用软件获得HA服务的廉价替代方案。

    This series of five articles offers a lower-cost alternative to achieving HA services using publicly available software .

  3. 现在还有一个趋势,由科技推动,比如使用公开ID和开放式联谊会等的社交服务网络的交互性增加。

    There is also a trend for more interoperability between social networks led by technologies such as OpenID and OpenSocial .

  4. 我们分别给出了无噪声信道和有噪声信道情形的安全性分析,并重点就量子直接秘密共享和量子安全直接通信之间的区别说明了协议中使用公开的K的必要性。

    We analyze the security of our scheme in the realistic and lossy channel respectively , and show it is necessary to use a public K due to the difference between quantum direct secret sharing and QSDC .

  5. PKI是通过使用公开密钥技术和数字证书来确保系统信息安全并负责验证数字证书持有者身份的一种证书体系。

    Public Key Infrastructure is a kind of certificate system which employs the public key cryptography and digital certificate to ensure information security and is responsible for validating the identity of the certificate holders .

  6. 同时,一名科学家做了一款软件,能够通过彻底搜查推特(Twitter)人脉图,推断一名推特用户的种族、甚至宗教,这引发了使用公开发言推断私人信息是否合法的疑问。

    Meanwhile , a scientist has created software that combs Twitter connections to infer a tweeter 's ethnicity and even religion , raising the question of whether public posts can legitimately be used to deduce private information .

  7. 要实现OSI5种标准的安全服务,必须使用公开密钥基础设施(PKI),其为安全服务提供支撑框架,正成为整个安全体系结构的核心部分,而X。

    We must use public key infrastructures to realize 5 kinds of standard security service of OSI . PKI offers support frames for security service , is becoming the key part of the whole security system structure . X.

  8. 使用公开服务的标准从候选服务列表中创建初始服务模型

    Creation of an initial service model from the candidate service list using criteria to expose services

  9. 很自然地,在使用公开源码上实用主义者没有早期采用者那么进取。

    Naturally , the pragmatists have been less aggressive than early adopters about moving to open source .

  10. 由于方案避免使用公开密钥算法,因而在保证支付的公平性的基础上还兼顾了支付效率。

    The analysis results show that the new solution can better meet the requirements of micro-payment for efficiency and fairness .

  11. 但是从八月开始,在使用公开叫价方式的同时,芝加哥期货交易所将会开始使用新的电子叫价系统。

    But starting August first , the Chicago Board of Trade will begin using a new electronic system at the same time .

  12. 使用公开的互联网而不是公司网络使用户脱离了网络监控工具的可控范围。

    Using the public Internet rather than connecting to a company network puts users beyond the scope of network monitor ­ ing tools .

  13. 如果他们计划只是内部地使用公开源码软件而不准备发布产品,风险就是很小的。

    If they plan to use the open source software internally only , with no intent to distribute it , the risk is quite low .

  14. 事实上,它“探讨的是如何使用公开搜索引擎,查找几乎肯定不打算向公众发布的信息。”

    Instead , it " involves using publicly available search engines to access publicly available information that almost certainly was not intended for public distribution . "

  15. 组织里使用公开代码产品的开发者也参与世界范围内的公开源码项目&为了使这些产品更好地工作以满足他们的老板的需要。

    Developers from organizations using open source products also participate in the worldwide open source project & to make these products work better to meet their employers'needs .

  16. 要获得由权威认证机构签名的官方数字证书,需要生成一个公开-私有密匙对并使用公开密匙生成证书请求。

    To get an official digital certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority , you need to generate a public-private key pair and use the public key to create a certificate request .

  17. 由于使用公开密匙的加密可以确保消息的私密性,因此消息交换安全性的所有主要方面都可以通过使用一个公开-私有密匙对涵盖。

    Because confidentiality is ensured on messages sent to you by encryption that uses your public key , all the major aspects of message exchange security are covered by using a public-private key pair .

  18. 因此,如果使用公开可验证密钥共享方案来构造安全多方计算协议,则参与者之间不需要秘密信道,各个参与者的数据是公开可验证的。

    Therefore , if we use publicly verifiable secret sharing to construct secure multi-party computation protocol , then the participants do not need a private channel to share the secret , and the participants ' data are publicly verifiable .

  19. 此次流动性注入是一个短期操作,并不代表中国货币政策转向。但分析师们表示,这表明中国央行已可以游刃有余地使用公开市场操作,对银行、投资者和企业提供稳定的资金环境。

    The liquidity injection is a short-term move and is not a shift in monetary policy , but analysts said it underscored how the central bank had honed its use of open market operations to ensure a more stable funding backdrop for banks , investors and companies .

  20. 下面让我们了解一下其工作方式:为了发送消息,SystemA使用MOM公开的API将消息放入MOM中。

    Let 's look at how this works : To send a message , System A puts the message in the MOM using APIs exposed by MOM .

  21. 在本文中,您已经学习了如何使用RDF公开您网站的数据。

    In this article , you learned how to expose your site 's data using RDF .

  22. 只有希望方案能使用各种公开发布的WSDL文档时才有必要使用此代码。

    This code is only necessary so that the scenario can be used with a wide array of publicly published WSDL documents .

  23. 我们集成了其他IBM应用程序,比如头脑风暴工具BrainShare(使用它公开的REST风格的API)。

    We integrated with other IBM applications , such as the brainstorming tool BrainShare , where we used its exposed REST-style APIs .

  24. 以这个指示板示例为例,我使用了公开可用的数据来说明XQuery是如何处理集成场景的。

    For this sample dashboard , I use publicly available data to illustrate how XQuery handles integration scenarios .

  25. 尽管有许多其他方式可以使用和公开Web服务(比如RepresentationalStateTransfer,REST),SOAP仍然是实现不同平台之间的交互性的常用方法。

    Although there are other ways to consume and expose Web services , such as Representational State Transfer ( REST ), SOAP remains a common way of allowing different platforms to have interoperability .

  26. 由于它具有防火墙友好性、广泛的可用性、得到广泛的承认、以及HTTP在全球范围内受到广泛支持,大多数企业已经使用HTTP公开他们的服务。

    Most enterprises have exposed their services over HTTP due to firewall friendliness , wide availability , acceptance , and the support that HTTP enjoys around the globe .

  27. DVD短片,由前往游泳,具有弗兰克里彭和他的技术和战略使用他的公开水域比赛。

    A short trailer of the DVD by Go Swim , featuring Fran Crippen and the techniques and strategies he uses for his open water races .

  28. 对于本文使用的公开密匙加密,回调必须提供用于保护keystore内的私有密匙的密码。

    For the public-key cryptography used in this article , the callback must supply the password used to protect a private key within the keystore .

  29. 但是,需要作出一些修改来支持使用WS-Security公开密匙加密特性,因此本文附带了一个单独的代码包(见下载)。

    A few changes are needed to support using WS-Security public-key cryptography features , though , so a separate code package accompanies this article ( see Download ) .

  30. 对于使用没有公开为单独属性的特性而言尤为有用。

    This is particularly useful for working with attributes that are not exposed as individual properties .