
zūn jì shǒu fǎ
  • observe law and discipline;observe disciplines and obey laws;to keep the peace
遵纪守法[zūn jì shǒu fǎ]
  1. 加强职工学技术、学文化的气氛,遵纪守法观念增强,自觉维护施工场地的社会治安,杜绝打架斗殴、酗酒、赌博等不文明行为。

    Strengthen the technology and culture learning , intensify staff 's sense to observe law and discipline and consiciously keep the public security of construction site , and eliminate fighting , excessive drinking , gambling and other uncivilized activities .

  2. 示威者一定要遵纪守法。

    The demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace .

  3. 大体上,这些人都是热爱和平、遵纪守法的公民。

    By and large , these people are peace-loving , law-abiding citizens .

  4. 他说自己的建议是:“不要逞英雄,要遵纪守法。”

    He said his advice was : ' No heroics , stay within the law '

  5. 大多数人都遵纪守法。

    Most people obey the law

  6. 几内亚军方最高领导DiarraCamara告知VOA说,他不认为叛军取得了成功,要求几内亚人民遵纪守法,等待政府依照宪法进行和平过渡。

    Army Chief of Staff General Diarra Camara told VOA that he did not think the coup had been a success and appealed to Guineans to follow rules for a peaceful transition of power as outlined in the constitution .

  7. 拿着警徽就得遵纪守法

    There are rules and regulations that come with that badge .

  8. 艾莉在遵纪守法方面一直有不少问题。

    Ellie 's been in a lot of trouble with the law .

  9. 美国农民同所有遵纪守法的美国公民一样,倔强和好打官司。

    Farmers , like all good Americans , are stubborn and litigious .

  10. 遵纪守法,尊重人格。

    Obey the law and respect other 's personality .

  11. 努力工作,遵纪守法,态度积极和良好的团队意识。

    Hard working , discipline , positive working attitude and a team player .

  12. 遵纪守法,明礼诚信是公民道德建设的重要组成部分。

    Discipline and integrity are important parts for the morality strengthening of citizens .

  13. 其深远的目的是把这个孩子造就成一个遵纪守法的人。

    The deep motive is to mould the child into a disciplined creature .

  14. 干部应带头遵纪守法

    Cadres must set an example in observing discipline and abiding by the law

  15. 做生意时,遵纪守法是很重要的。

    When doing business , it is important to adhere to the law .

  16. 好市民总是遵纪守法。

    Good citizens always do what the laws prescribe .

  17. 对于一个曾经坐过牢的人来说是很难保持遵纪守法的。

    It 's hard for a former prisoner to stay on the rails .

  18. 所有公民,无论中国人还是外国人,都应遵纪守法。

    All the people , Chinese and foreign , must obey the law .

  19. 我会做一个诚实守信,遵纪守法的执业律师

    I 'm gonna behave like an honest-to-god , law-abiding , licensed attorney ,

  20. 好市民遵纪守法。

    Good citizens do what the laws prescribe .

  21. 对于遵纪守法的公民来说,犯罪者是潜在的威胁。

    Wrongdoers are potential threats to law-abiding citizens .

  22. 我当事人是遵纪守法的生意人。

    My client is a respected businessman .

  23. 必须承认,绝大部分人是遵纪守法的,但违法犯罪活动依然是个问题。

    To be sure , most people are law-abiding , but crime remains a problem .

  24. 他们在自己的家里一直遵纪守法,但是在中国却无法无天。

    They can be quite law-abiding back home , but break the law in China .

  25. 做个遵纪守法的人对你来说没坏处。

    There is no harm your abiding by the law and acting according to it .

  26. 我是个优等生、模范员工和遵纪守法的好公民。

    I 've been a straight-A student , model employee , and overall law-abiding citizen .

  27. 这样他们就不会再具有和遵纪守法的企业相比的不公平优势。

    so they won 't have an unfair advantage over businesses that follow the law .

  28. 应该遵纪守法的公民。

    Citizens amenable to the law .

  29. 论解放思想和遵纪守法的关系

    The Relationship between the Liberation of the Mind and the Observance of Discipline and the Law

  30. 那么政府就不需要大批的警察和文职人员去促使人民遵纪守法。

    The government does not require armies of police and civil servants to keep them in order .