
Zūn Yì huì yì
  • Zunyi Meeting
  1. 遵义会议以后,党内还不断有斗争。

    After the Zunyi meeting , struggle continued in the party .

  2. 这种纠正是遵义会议的成绩。

    Its correction was the achievement of the Tsunyi Meeting .

  3. 遵义会议后中国革命的历史性转折

    The Historic Turn of Chinese Revolution after Zunyi Meeting

  4. 遵义会议是确立党的正确思想路线的标志

    Zunyi meeting-A sign of establishing the correct , ideological line of the Communist Party

  5. 再谈遵义会议研究中的几个问题

    Some Problems in the Research on Zunyi Conference

  6. 遵义会议后,他从左倾集团中彻底分裂出来,实现了左倾思想的完全转变,走到了正确的立场上来。

    After Zunyi Meeting , he severed ties with the left-leaning camp and took a correct stand .

  7. 从陈独秀起,一直到遵义会议,没有一届是真正成熟的。

    From Chen Duxiu to the Zunyi Meeting , not a single leading group was truly mature .

  8. 遵义会议未彻底解决王明“左”倾政治路线错误原因探析

    The Exploration of Causes of the Wrong Political Line About Wang Ming 's " left " Deviation Unsolved in Zunyi Meeting

  9. 遵义会议为中国革命找到了一条从胜利走向新的胜利的光辉道路。

    As a result , the Chinese revolution since then went from one success to another , till the final victory .

  10. 文化遗产对地方经济发展贡献研究&以遵义会议纪念馆经济价值评估为例

    On the contribution of cultural heritage to local economic development & Example of economic value assessment of Zunyi Meeting Memorial Hall

  11. 把遵义会议、两万五千里长征、党的重大历史事件都应该请中外专家翻译成地道的英语,让中国学生背下来!

    Historic events like Tsun-i Conference and the Long March should all be translated into authentic English by Chiese and English experts .

  12. 当然就我们党的中央来说,如何革命的问题,遵义会议就解决了。

    Of course , as far as the Central Committee is concerned , it solved the question of how to make revolution at the Zunyi Meeting .

  13. 这些错误,也因遵义会议得到了纠正,使党转到了正确的干部政策和正确的组织原则方面来了。

    These errors , too , were corrected at the Tsunyi Meeting , and the Party was thus able to make the turn to a correct cadres policy and to correct organizational principles .

  14. 说遵义会议的全部意义就在于毛周之间达成的默契,这样概括不无偏颇,但视角却是独特的,分析是入木三分的。

    Thinking that the whole significance of Zunyi meeting lies in the tacit agreement between Mao Ze-dong and Zhou-En-lai is partial , however , the visual angle is unique and the analysis , profound .

  15. 第三阶段从1935年1月遵义会议到1937年7月,这一时期党对小资产阶级的认识发生变化,正确的认识上升到主导地位。

    The third stage from zhun-yi meeting in January of1935 to July of1937 , in this period the cognition for the small propertied class appear change , the right cognition rises to predominant position .

  16. 遵义市行政暨会议中心

    The Center of Administration and Conference in Zunyi City