
fā mínɡ rén
  • inventor;author of an invention
  1. GeorgeBallas同时也是打草机的发明人。

    And Mr. Ballas was the inventor of the Weed Eater .

  2. 这位微博服务工具twitter的发明人,意识到该办公场所的讽刺意味twitter本身逐渐成为互联网新闻的来源。

    The inventor of twitter , the micro-blogging service , is aware of the irony of the location Twitter is a rising Internet source of news itself .

  3. 专利权是指依法批准的发明人或其权利受让人对其发明成果在一定年限内享有的独占权或专用权。

    Patent right is a kind of monopolized or special right approved by law for inventors or alienee in definite term .

  4. 想想激光、图灵机的发明人,或者dna的发现者吧。

    Just think of the inventors of the laser , the Turing machine or the discoverers of DNA .

  5. 这项挑战也凸显出,领先的互联网公司之间已经展开一场AI竞赛,试图发明人与机器互动的新方式。

    The challenge also highlights the AI race that has broken out among the leading internet companies as they try to invent new ways for people to interact with machines .

  6. 专家称,尽管该软件具有技术潜力,Vanish发明人仍有许多问题尚待解决。

    Despite the potential of the technology , there are still issues that the inventors of Vanish may still have to overcome , experts said .

  7. 作为人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗的共同发明人,弗雷泽希望尽可能让更多人接种该疫苗。HPV病毒会引发宫颈癌,该疫苗的另一位共同发明人是中国科学家周健博士。

    The co-inventor , with Jian Zhou , of the vaccine against human papillomavirus ( HPV ) , the precursor to cervical cancer , wants the treatment to reach as many people as possible .

  8. 杰西卡·马修斯,是体育产品SOCCKET的发明人,SOCCKET像足球一样,

    Jessica Matthews , inventor of the SOCCKET line of sports products , like soccer balls ,

  9. 这加大了机械手臂的发明人、东京大学教授石川正俊(MasatoshiIshikawa),以及其他日本学者改变立场的压力。

    This has increased the pressure on Masatoshi Ishikawa , the Tokyo university professor who invented the robot hand , and other Japanese academics to change their stance .

  10. 这部立体生物复印机是由一个原型发展出来的,原型的发明人是一位欧加南墨的创始人,密苏里大学的佛格克博士GaborForgacs。

    One of Organovo 's founders , Gabor Forgacs of the University of Missouri , developed the prototype on which the new3D bio-printer is based .

  11. 开源操作系统Linux的发明人林纳斯•托瓦兹(LinusTorvalds)一度被商界视为“眼中钉”。2001年他曾被时任微软(Microsoft)首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默(SteveBallmer)称为“癌症”。

    Linus Torvalds , inventor of the Linux open source operating system , was for a time the b ê te noire of business . He was described in 2001 as " cancer " by Microsoft 's then chief Steve Ballmer .

  12. 经过与病魔的长期斗争后,AK-47突击步枪发明人米哈伊尔卡拉什尼科夫周一在俄罗斯去世,享年94岁。

    Mikhail Kalashnikov , who is credited with inventing the AK-47 rifle died Monday in Russia after a lengthy battle with illness . He was 94 years old .

  13. 可惜啊,今天的政府不像摩尔和罗伯特·诺伊斯(RobertNoyce)成长的时代那样投资基础科学研究了。诺伊斯是集成电路的联合发明人,与摩尔一起创立了英特尔。

    Alas today our government is not investing in basic research the way it did when the likes of Moore and Robert Noyce , the co-inventor of the integrated circuit and the other co-founder of Intel , were coming of age .

  14. 去年12月,《连线》(Wired)和Gizmodo发布报道,指认赖特就是中本聪。这些报道指向一些据称的泄露电子邮件和文件,据以证明赖特与其同事——已故的戴夫•克莱曼(DaveKleiman)——是这种加密货币的共同发明人。

    In December , Mr Wright was identified as Mr Nakamoto in stories by Wired and Gizmodo that pointed to supposedly leaked emails and documents claiming proof he and a colleague , the late Dave Kleiman , were the co-inventors of the cryptocurrency .

  15. 你必须把发明人和发明对应起来。

    You have to match up the inventor to the invention .

  16. (二)发明人、设计人资格纠纷;

    Any dispute over the qualification of the inventor or creator ;

  17. 坡是侦探小说体裁的发明人。

    Poe was the originator of a genre of detective story .

  18. 找到这两者之间的平衡是每个游戏发明人孜孜以求的目标。

    Perfecting the balance is the aim of every game inventor .

  19. 对于发明人而言,这可能是一个合理的交换条件。

    For the inventor , that may be a reasonable trade-off .

  20. 专利体现了发明人在时间和金钱上的投入。

    It represents investment both in hours and in money .

  21. 第六章对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人的奖励和报酬

    Chapter VI Reward and Remuneration of Inventors or Creators of Service Inventions-Creations

  22. 你知道灯泡实际上不是爱迪生发明的吧?(爱迪生不算是最早发明人,只能算是改良)

    Did you know Edison didn 't actually invent the light bulb ?

  23. 他被认定是指的发明人。

    He is accredited with the invention of paper .

  24. 该环保厕所的发明人从日本千里迢迢奔赴这里参加奉献仪式。

    The inventor came all the way from Japan for the dedication ceremonies .

  25. 发明人:超大科技时代职务发明保护制度的立足点

    Inventor , the Stand of Service Invention Protection System in the Super Scientific Era

  26. 专利评估者如何思考:介绍发明人和评估人协议。

    How the patent evaluator thinks : The inventor and evaluator protocol is described .

  27. 纳米科学与技术之间的联系:基于学术型发明人的分析

    The Linkage between Nanoscience and Nanotechnology : An Analysis of Academic Inventors ' Behavior

  28. 格雷汉姆·贝尔是电话的发明人。

    Graham Bell was the father of telephone .

  29. 他是众所周知的短线交易员,著名的W%R指标发明人。

    He is known as an outstanding short-term trader , founder of W % R.

  30. 也可以称他为六英寸木质密码轮发明人

    the inventor of the six-inch wooden cypher wheel