
  • 网络Period Total;Place the amount of;Amount
  1. 实现了财务人员将员工借款、报销所涉及的资产、负债及费用类科目发生额信息转化为记帐凭证,并根据需要导入相应会计信息系统记帐凭证库。

    To achieve the financial officers will staff the borrower , reimbursement involved in the assets , liabilities and costs of class courses place the amount of information into the accounting vouchers and , based on the need to import the appropriate accounting information system accounting certificate repository .

  2. 应收及预支款项理卖按实践发生额记帐。

    Receivables and prepayments shall be accounted for according to actual amount .

  3. 第五十二条企业应当按实际发生额核算费用和成本。

    Article 52 Enterprises shall calculate expenses and costs at the actual amounts incurred .

  4. 目前在传统的成本核算方法下,我国企业的物流成本与实际发生额相差甚远。

    At present by using the traditional cost accounting methods , logistics cost is very different from the actual cost .

  5. 传感器可以测量活动你的汗腺和发生额汗对你的皮肤,提醒你的焦虑。

    Sensors measure the activity of your sweat glands and the amount of perspiration on your skin , alerting you to anxiety .

  6. 成本核算法是以企业的成本发生额作为人力资源的投入,在企业的经济效益中分出一部分作为人力资源效益,在考虑相关因素的情况下适当调整,计算出企业总体人力资源价值。

    In cost account means , the author regard cost arise sum as the input of human resource , so departing a part of benefit as human resource value .

  7. 结果49.48%的医院年平均住院费用超过了其定额结算标准,合计补偿不足部分占实际费用发生额的9.50%,个别定点医院严重超定额。

    Results For 49.48 % of contract hospitals , their annual average insured inpatient expenditure exceeded its flat rate standard . Insufficiency of expenditure expiation accounts for 9.5 % of total outgoes .

  8. 另外,RCA指数是一种事后分析指标,它是从一国已经发生的出口额变动情况来推算其先前所具有的比较优势。

    In addition , RCA is an index who studies afterwards and reckons the previous comparative advantage from the export which had happened .

  9. 全关节置换之后可能发生移位移植骨额形成,特别是在臀部。

    Heterotopic bone formation may occur after total joint replacement , especially in the hip .

  10. 自行开发的无形资产,以开发过程中发生的实际支出额为原价。

    For self-developed intangible assets , the original value shall be the actual amount of expenditure incurred in the course of development .

  11. 考虑一种相依索赔风险模型,其中每次索赔发生时根据索赔额的大小可随机产生一延迟的副索赔。

    Considering a risk model with time-correlated claims , in which every claim can produce a delayed by-claim randomly according to the amount of it .

  12. 当美国进口商品来自联盟成员国因出口原产地规则要求之目的视为从一个国家进口时,就发生普惠制累积优惠额。

    GSP cumulation benefit occurs when U.S.imports from association members are counted as if they were imported from one country for purposes of rule-of-origin requirements .

  13. 在评估向各州提供救助的影响时,报告根据经验设想,要用30%的救助资金去遏止本来会发生的税收增加额。

    In estimating the impact of offering relief to the States , it assumed , based on experience , that 30 per cent of the relief would be used to stall tax increases that would otherwise have occurred .

  14. 其他借款费用,应当在发生时根据其发生额确认为费用,计入当期损益。

    Other borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred , and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses .

  15. 高新技术企业当年发生的技术开发费比上年增长达到10%(含10%)以上的,当年经税务机关批准,可再按其实际发生额的50%抵扣当年应纳税所得额。

    High-tech enterprise whose R & D funds increases by10 % ( 10 % incl. ) over the previous year may set off50 % of actual expense from taxable income in addition to above preferential policies .