
fā shè tái
  • pad;launching pad;sending station;flat-pad
发射台[fā shè tái]
  1. 导弹发射台新型通用调平系统设计

    Design of a New All-purpose Leveling System for Missilery Launching Pad

  2. 计算结果已成功地应用于导弹发射台的设计。

    The computation results are applied on a missile launching pad successfully .

  3. 发射台会自动将信号发射到地方基站。

    The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station

  4. 我们的轰炸机摧毁了移动火箭发射台。

    Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers

  5. 参观科学博物馆的时候,我去看了发射台。

    When I visit the Science Museum , I go to the Launchpad .

  6. 直升机在离发射台一百米的上空盘旋。

    The helicopter was hovering about 100 metres above the pad .

  7. 罗兰C发射台将编码后的电文信息调制在信号脉冲上,以广播方式发送给用户,用户接收机对接收到的信号进行解调和解码后,输出电文信息。

    Loran - C transmitter modulates the signal using encoded message , then broadcasts the message . The receiver demodulates the signal and decodes the message .

  8. 上周六,运载火箭长征二号F和逃逸塔均已顺利安装在发射台上。

    The spacecraft , its Long-March II-F carrier rocket and the escape tower were fitted on the launch pad on Saturday .

  9. 在许可服务器安装发射台上与GUI一起进行了几个简单的步骤之后,您将被询问从一个文件中输入您的许可密码。

    After following a few simple steps with the GUI on the license server installation launch pad , you will be asked to import your license key from a file .

  10. 实际测量中,罗兰C接收机获取的导航定位参量是用户到三个(或多个)发射台间的时差,接收机需要将测量时差转化为地理经纬度,进而求取其它航行参数。

    Navigational parameter by the Loran-C receiver measuring is time-difference ( TD ) from user to three ( or more ) launchers . These parameter must be transformed into geographic coordinate , and calculated further other parameter which be interested of user .

  11. 上周,SpaceX的一枚无人驾驶的猎鹰9号(Falcon9)火箭在佛罗里达州的发射台上发生爆炸;去年6月,SpaceX的一枚火箭在向国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)运输货物途中解体。

    Its pilotless Falcon 9 rocket exploded on its Florida launch pad last week , and in June a cargo flight bound for the International Space Station broke apart in mid-air .

  12. 单频网(SingleFrequencyNetwork,SFN)组网规定:单频网发射台要同时在同一个频段上发射相同的无线信号,即各个发射机广播的信号要求频率同步,时间同步和码元同步。

    SFN ( Single Frequency Network , SFN ) Network : SFN transmitter simultaneously with the launch of a band on the same wireless signal that the transmitter frequency radio signal synchronization requirements , time synchronization and symbol simultaneously .

  13. 去年10月,OrbitalATK制造的安塔尔(Antares)火箭在弗吉尼亚州的发射台上爆炸。

    In October , an Antares rocket , built by Orbital ATK , exploded on the launching pad in Virginia .

  14. 去年SpaceX一枚载着价值2亿美元卫星的火箭在发射台爆炸,令Facebook向整个非洲提供宽带的计划遇挫。

    Facebook 's plans to deliver broadband across Africa suffered a setback last year when the SpaceX rocket carrying its $ 200m satellite exploded on the launch pad .

  15. SpaceX公司的首席执行官、网络企业家艾龙•马斯克说,观看火箭从发射台升空是万分紧张的一刻。

    SpaceX chief executive officer and Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk said watching the rocket rise from the launch pad was an extremely intense moment .

  16. SpaceX公司的首席执行官、网络企业家艾龙•马斯克说,观看火箭从发射台升空是“万分紧张的一刻”。

    SpaceX chief executive officer and Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk said watching the rocket rise from the launch pad was an " extremely intense moment . "

  17. 美国东部时间11月15日晚7点27分,“龙”飞船搭乘SpaceX“猎鹰9”火箭从肯尼迪航天中心历史性的LC-39A发射台升空。

    The spacecraft lifted off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 7:27 pm EST Sunday , from historic Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center .

  18. 私人太空公司SpaceX的猎鹰重型火箭(FalconHeavy)周二从发射台升空时,关注埃隆·马斯克(ElonMusk)在Twitter上发的帖子就像进入了这位生于南非的科技企业家古怪、“极客范”、无畏而又鼓舞人心的世界。

    To follow Elon Musk 's Twitter feed on Tuesday as SpaceX 's Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off from its launch pad was to enter into the zany , geeky , mettlesome , and inspirational world of the South African-born tech entrepreneur .

  19. NASA对马斯克如此有信心,甚至给予SpaceX许可证,允许其使用具有历史意义的肯尼迪航天中心39A发射台(Launchpad39A),即尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)、巴兹·奥尔德林(BuzzAldrin)和迈克尔·科林斯(MichaelCollins)1969年登月时的发射台。

    Such has been Nasa 's faith in Mr Musk that it has even granted SpaceX a licence to operate from the hallowed ground of Launchpad 39A , the site from which Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins blasted off to the Moon in 1969 .

  20. 发射台是由混凝土制成的,非常坚固。

    It 's made of concrete , and is super strong .

  21. 发射台自动化系统配置与多机备一技术

    Collocation of Auto-system and Technique of Actualizing One Prepared in Launching-pad

  22. 四支柱发射台强度的两种计算方法

    Two Computing Methods of the Strength of Four Strut Launching Stand

  23. 天使重型导弹发射台的描述已经被修正。

    The description of Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery has been corrected .

  24. 发射台自动化播出和远程实时监控管理系统

    Automated Transmission and Remote Real-time Monitoring and Management System for Transmitting Stations

  25. 电视发射台多套节目监控系统的研究和应用

    The Domination System of Multi-channel Programs on TV Broadcasting Station

  26. 青岛中波发射台音频信号系统数字化改造

    Digital Reconstruction of the Audio Signal System in Qingdao MF Transmitting Station

  27. 微机集中控制系统在中波广播发射台上的应用

    Application of microcomputer centralized control system on medium-wave radio station

  28. 核子飞弹静静躺在发射台上。

    Those nuclear missiles , they sit in their silos .

  29. 关于广播电视发射台技术管理方法的探讨

    A probe into the technology management about radio and TV emission stations

  30. 提升机和发射台的外形也需要考虑。

    The elevation and configuration of the launch pad also require consideration .