
  • 网络causative verb
  1. 宾语、时量成分和体助词都是使动词有界化的手段。

    Object , time quantity ingredient and the aspectual auxiliary all causes the verb bounded having method .

  2. 现代汉语单纯使宾动词研究

    A Study on Monotonous Causative Verbs in Modern Chinese

  3. 除去宾语将会使这个动词不及物化。

    Removing the object will intransitivize the verbs .

  4. 就非宾格动词和心理动词而言,英语和汉语存在“超集&子集”关系:英语允许非宾格动词转换为使动动词,而汉语不允许;

    English and Chinese form a superset-subset relation in terms of unaccusative verbs and psych verbs : English allows causative-alternating unaccusative verb , but Chinese does not ;

  5. 第七章将使役动词根据语义分为三大类:使令动词、致使动词和容许动词,并详细讨论了宋元话本中的使役动词的语义特点和句法特征。

    These are imperative verbs , causative verbs and permission verbs . The semantic and syntactic characteristics of the verbs are fully discussed . This chapter also divides causative verbs into six subclasses .

  6. 《糊涂世界》中动作动词占大多数,心理动词、使令动词、趋向动词、能愿动词、存现动词和联系动词较少。

    Secondly , most verbs in " Muddled World " are the action verbs and few of them are force-border verb , psychological verb , modal verb , directional verb and other verbs .

  7. 不及物动词又分为行为动词、趋止动词、心理动词和状态动词四个小类;及物动词又分为行为动词、感知动词、存现动词、类同动词、使令动词五个小类。

    Intransitive verbs are divided into four little kinds : action verbs , hasten verbs , psychological verbs and state verbs ; Transitive verbs are divided into five small classes : action verbs , perception of verbs , existential verbs , similar verbs and making verbs .

  8. 参照前人分类标准,将使令义动词V1分成七个语义类,并结合述补结构V1V2,分别讨论在这七个语义类别下,相应的使令句变换为把字句的情况。

    According to others ' study , the dissertation has classified V1 into seven semantic types .

  9. 使令类动词和致使词

    The Imperative Verbs and the Causative Words

  10. 由于原型句式语义的影响,使弱外向动词和离心动词构成的双宾句形成歧义。

    The prototype construction meaning throws light on the ambiguity of weak extro-orientational verbs , exocentric verbs .

  11. 把out加在动词之后使成为及物动词。但要使用复数谓语动词。

    Adding ' out ' to many verbs transitivizes them . it takes a plural predicate verb .

  12. 我们发现:(1)使令类兼语动词的基本类别一直保持在一个稳定的状态中。

    Hence we can conclude as follows : ( 1 ) The basic classification of causative verb structure has been in a steady state all the time .

  13. 本文认为在现代汉语使动句中,使动词的前、中、后常常要出现不同的完句成分。

    This paper focuses on the completing elements of causative sentence , and points out that some causative sentences cannot be completed without the completing element .