
  • 网络wear and tear
  1. 普通折旧是为资产的正常使用损耗计划的折旧。

    Ordinary depreciation is the planned deduction for wear and tear during normal use of an asset .

  2. 通过使用损耗均衡算法,数据均匀地分布在SSD存储空间。

    The data is distributed evenly across the SSD capacity using wear-leveling algorithms .

  3. 以阳城6×350MW机组为例,阐述了汽轮机热应力监测控制技术在机组启停、变工况运行控制中的应用,使机组安全经济运行,减少汽机使用寿命损耗。

    This paper describes thermo stress supervisory control technology applying in unit startup ? shutdown or load changing , citing a example of Yangcheng power plant 6 × 350 MW unit . This technology makes unit operation safe and economic and decreases the loss of turbine lifetime .

  4. 三是周转材料的使用与损耗的管理。

    Thirdly , it is the management of turnover materials ' usage and loss .

  5. 使用低损耗的合金系磁性粉末压铸成型,可避免噪音产生。

    The use low loss of magnetic iron powder core die-castineforming , avoid ultra low buzz noise .

  6. 避免电池完全放电,频繁地给锂电池充电不会比正常使用更加损耗电池寿命。

    Constantly recharging a lithium ion battery does not shorten the battery life more than normal usage would .

  7. 由于使用了损耗均衡算法,连续数据页不太可能放在连续单元中,那么需要在媒介中将数据分组吗?

    Consecutive data pages are unlikely to be in adjacent cells due to the wear-leveling algorithms , so do you need to group data on the media ?

  8. 使用最小损耗焊盘将输入和输出阻抗从50Ω转换到75Ω,这种方法简单易行,并且能够得到合理的测量结果。

    Using a minimum loss pad to transform the conventional 50 Ω test port impedance to the 75 Ω DUT provides a cheap , easy way to get reasonable measurements .

  9. 在这篇论文中,对使用路径损耗模型的解码转发的中继选择算法的误码率性能进行了分析,比较了瑞利衰落信道和加性高斯白噪声信道下的误比特率。

    In this thesis the BER performance of relay selection with decode and forward using path loss model is analyzed . The bit error rate performance of Rayleigh fading channel is compared with Additive white Gaussian noise channel .

  10. 在使用普通的损耗材料进行设计时,很难在低频段获得较低的反射率。

    Generally , low reflectance within low frequency band is difficultly obtained by using ordinary lossy material .

  11. 存货系统研究中,有关产品固定寿命或使用期限之损耗性产品存货模式渐受关注;

    An Integrated inventory model for products experiencing continuous decrease in unit cost is studied in this research .

  12. 电子产品寿命期分为早期失效、使用寿命和损耗三个不同的阶段。

    The life of electronic products has three phases : early lose efficacy , use life and ageing loss .

  13. 但是,减速机及异步电机的低效率,会导致这种使用方式的损耗会非常大。而随着科技的发展,高效节能的直接驱动方式越来越受到广泛地关注。

    However , with development of science and technology , it is widely concerned by direct-drive mode which is high power and high efficiency energy saving .

  14. 除非绝对必要,否则不要使用自动化查询来损耗Twitter的服务器。

    Try not to hammer Twitter 's servers with automated queries more often than absolutely necessary .

  15. 为了获得平坦的多波长输出,在谐振腔里使用了一个损耗峰位于1530nm处的长周期光纤光栅,以获得较为平坦的增益谱。

    In order to achieve flat multi-wavelength output , a long-period fiber grating with loss peak at 1530 nm is used to obtain flat gain spectrum .

  16. 频谱分析仪使用中有关回波损耗的问题

    About Return Loss during Using Spectrum Analyzer

  17. 围绕使用频带和耦合损耗这两个重要电气参数,讨论辐射型漏泄同轴电缆的设计方法。

    Focussing on operation frequency-band and coupling loss the design method for radiation leaky coaxial cables is discussed .

  18. 为提高储能飞轮系统的使用效率、降低损耗,需要研究低损耗轴承支承技术。

    In order to improve the efficiency of FESS , the support method of FESS is a important technologies .

  19. 金属化薄膜电容器在高频、高电压、高脉冲、大电流场合下使用,易发生损耗变化。

    When Metallized Film capacitors are used at high frequency , high voltage , high pulse and heavy current , their dissipation factor easily changes .

  20. 介绍在设计中提高纸箱强度、在使用中减少强度损耗以确保轴承不受外界损伤的方法。

    The may how to increase carton strength in design and decrease strength loss in use of carton in order to ensure that bearing without external injury was introduced .

  21. 但在实际情况中,缺货现象是不可避免的,机器也可能会因为长期使用而导致零件损耗或毁坏,且按照批量变动法调度的成本更低。

    As a matter of fact , shortage is inevitable . Facility may also be partly damaged by the long-term use , and time-varying lot size approach costs lower .

  22. 为了提高冷光源灯泡的使用寿命,降低损耗、降低成本,我们设计了一种经济耐用的通用型光源灯座。

    In order to prolong the using time of the chilly light , and reduce the spoilage and cost , this paper designs an economic and durable universal lamp holder .