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shǐ lìnɡ
  • cause;Servant;give an order
使令 [shǐ lìng]
  • (1) [order about]∶使唤

  • 有一奴一婢以供使令

  • (2) [servant]∶供使唤的人

  • 左右使令诈难凭,慎勿浪言常兢兢。--韩愈《永贞行》

  1. 当让分别为使令、容许、听凭义时,N1最初的意愿主动性依次减弱。

    When " rang " means command , permit and allow respectively , N_1 's initial willing active weakens successively .

  2. 参照前人分类标准,将使令义动词V1分成七个语义类,并结合述补结构V1V2,分别讨论在这七个语义类别下,相应的使令句变换为把字句的情况。

    According to others ' study , the dissertation has classified V1 into seven semantic types .

  3. 不要使令我去迢遥的宫廷;

    Do not send me to distant courts ;

  4. 使令类动词和致使词

    The Imperative Verbs and the Causative Words

  5. 汉语史上,分析型致使结构主要有使令式、致动式、组合式和隔开式四类。

    There are four kinds of analytic causatives : permissive and periphrastic and particle-marked causative constructions and isolating in ancient Chinese .

  6. 而本文经过以上分析后,得出结论,认为降低市场上交易各方之间的信息不对称程度,从而使令交易各方都得利的交易顺利实现才是市场营销的本质。

    And the nature of marketing is to alleviate asymmetry of information and help the transaction that will benefit each part come true .

  7. 我们发现:(1)使令类兼语动词的基本类别一直保持在一个稳定的状态中。

    Hence we can conclude as follows : ( 1 ) The basic classification of causative verb structure has been in a steady state all the time .

  8. 汉语建议类使令语是一种常见的语用行为,介于请求和要求之间,以利他性和选择自由度为主要特征。

    Chinese Suggestion and Persuasion is a commonly-used speech act . Its power is between ask and request , with altruism and freedom of choice as its characteristics .

  9. 第七章将使役动词根据语义分为三大类:使令动词、致使动词和容许动词,并详细讨论了宋元话本中的使役动词的语义特点和句法特征。

    These are imperative verbs , causative verbs and permission verbs . The semantic and syntactic characteristics of the verbs are fully discussed . This chapter also divides causative verbs into six subclasses .

  10. 《糊涂世界》中动作动词占大多数,心理动词、使令动词、趋向动词、能愿动词、存现动词和联系动词较少。

    Secondly , most verbs in " Muddled World " are the action verbs and few of them are force-border verb , psychological verb , modal verb , directional verb and other verbs .

  11. 不及物动词又分为行为动词、趋止动词、心理动词和状态动词四个小类;及物动词又分为行为动词、感知动词、存现动词、类同动词、使令动词五个小类。

    Intransitive verbs are divided into four little kinds : action verbs , hasten verbs , psychological verbs and state verbs ; Transitive verbs are divided into five small classes : action verbs , perception of verbs , existential verbs , similar verbs and making verbs .

  12. 给…深刻印象;使钦佩最令他佩服的是他们的速度。

    What impressed him most was their speed .

  13. 如何使海事强制令与海事担保,海事请求保全以及证据保全的规定更好的衔接,达到几种保全之间的合理转化等等。

    How to make full cooperation between a maritime injunction and the other correlative systems , such as maritime security , preservation of maritime claims and preservation of maritime evidence .

  14. 坏天气加上其他一些不愉快原因使我们的野餐令人大为扫兴。

    The bad weather conspired with some other unpleasant causes to ruin our picnic .

  15. 基本上,这种影响是专制的而且使你很难令生活保持正常。

    Basically , this influence is domineering and makes it difficult for you to run your life normally .

  16. 它能清除疲劳,使你清醒,令你开车时更专心和提高你的判断力。

    It can banish fatigue , keep you alert , improve your motor performance , and enhance your senses .

  17. 我每天所做的仅仅是写下三个当天要完成的任务,使清单不至于令我难以应付。

    What I do is write just three tasks I have to tackle so that the list isn 't overwhelming .

  18. 并且该公司已经敦促配餐公司强化酱料中的某些特殊味道,以使飞机餐能令最干燥的味蕾感到可口。

    And it has pushed catering companies to overplay particular tastes in sauces so that tastes will come through for even the driest palate .

  19. 一个通过对资源和时间需求轻描淡写来保护一个项目的IT指导者可能期望该项目能使他体面并令他晋升。

    An IT director who secures a project by underplaying the resource and time requirements might expect the project to make him look good and gain him a promotion .

  20. 其余的一切都只是为了迷惑你、让你分心、使你头疼、令你心痛、逼你抑郁,所以不要让它得逞。

    The rest is all just there to confuse you , distract you , give you a headache , heartache and depress you , so don 't let it .

  21. 我并不同意他所说的美国特殊主义的观点,他说,美国的政策使美国不同,令我们与众不同。

    And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism , stating that the United States policy is what makes America different . Its what makes us exceptional .

  22. 在该书中,使动义通过隐性化的述宾结构和显性化的使/令兼语式得以表现。

    In the book , passive voices were used by means of recessive predicate - object structure and the dominant passive forms .

  23. 酒会使一个人更加对自己满意,但我不是说酒会使他变得令他人更加满意。

    Wine makes a man better pleased with himself ; I do not say that him more pleasing to others .