首页 / 词典 / good


yāo yāo
  • smiling;gracious;amiable
夭夭 [yāo yāo]
  • (1) [luxuriant and beautiful]∶绚丽茂盛的样子

  • 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。--《诗.周南.桃夭》

  • (2) [unhurrid;be resolute and serene]∶体貌安舒或容色和悦的样子

  • 申申如也,夭夭如也。--《论语.述而》

  1. 那些男孩向我掷雪球,及至我定过神来时,他们已逃这夭夭了。

    The boys threw snowballs at me and before I came to my senses they ran away .

  2. 都市底层女性的生命赞歌&评王安忆长篇小说《桃之夭夭》

    The Praise Song of the City Ground Floor Women s Life & Reading Wang Anyi s Saga Novel TaoZhiYaoYao ;

  3. 并在其后的长篇小说《富萍》和《桃之夭夭》得到印证。本文以此,探求王安忆两篇小说的内容和价值。

    Based on the above , the paper discusses the content and value of the two novels that depict the daily life of plebeians in Shanghai .

  4. 从桃之夭夭到寻寻觅觅&略论叠字在古代诗词中的运用艺术

    From " the Dying Young of the Peach " to " Seeking " & Slightly Talk about Application Art in the Poesy in Ancient Times of Reduplicated Word

  5. 《桃之夭夭》的伦理色彩包涵着“世故人情”的善、尊重生命的至善,以及“择善而行”的人生智慧。

    The ethical color embodied in this novel encompasses such worldly wisdoms as kindness and respect to life , as well as life wisdoms of choosing and following what is good .

  6. 即便没有激情澎湃之旋律,也没有桃之夭夭的影姿,那来自伊甸园中的一句诺言,却抓住了梦的羽翼,在冷冷的月空里留守,看流星闪烁。

    Even without passion , nor the melody of TaoZhi deaths , the posture of deaths from the garden of Eden , the promise of wings , caught the dream in cold months at the empty , meteors flash .
