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  1. 他是否给想象中的马下过注?

    And does he ever put anything on a horse he fancies ?

  2. ‘黑寡妇’马下一场比赛赢定了。

    Black widow is a cert for the next race .

  3. 他一阵晕眩,摔到马下,被敌人割下首级。

    Stunned , Pyrrhus fell off his horse , and an enemy cut off his head .

  4. 对一匹冷门的马下赌注

    To back the wrong horse

  5. 也不要一触到对方的手就马下放下,那样的话似乎让人感到你对对方没有好感。

    Do not drop the hand as soon as yours has touched it as this will seem to show you do not like the other person .

  6. 欧文,确实,嗨爆了,全场爆砍40分,包括首节拿下16分以及多次关键球,最终凯尔特人经过加时以121-114将76人斩于马下。

    Irving did , in fact , act up . He scored 40 points , including 16 in the first quarter and several clutch shots in crunch time , as the Celtics beat the 76ers 121-114 in overtime .

  7. 哈基姆-奥拉朱旺和拉尔夫-桑普森分才处于他们职业生涯的第二年和第三年,初生牛犊不怕虎的双塔在1986年西部决赛中干净利落的将湖人斩于马下。这对双子星看上去就像是未来十年内联盟的霸主。

    Hakeem Olajuwon and Ralph Sampson , in their second and third years respectively , blitzed the Lakers in the 1986 Western Conference Finals . They looked like a duo who could rule the league for the next decade .

  8. (去年,阿里巴巴把在线支付服务支付宝转移到公司CEO马云旗下的一家新公司,引发了口水战。)

    ( last year , the two got into a public squabble after Alibaba transferred ownership of the online payment service Alipay over to a new company controlled by CEO Jack Ma . )

  9. 2014年,马云旗下的阿里巴巴购入中国最优秀俱乐部广州恒大(GuangzhouEvergrande)半数股权,该俱乐部由前巴西国家队教练路易斯·费利佩·斯科拉里(LuizFelipeScolari)担任主教练,聘用了很多巴西明星球员。

    In 2014 Mr Ma 's Alibaba bought half of China 's best club , Guangzhou Evergrande , which is managed by former Brazilian national coach Luiz Felipe Scolari and has recruited a series of Brazilian star players .

  10. 他打算让他的马参加下一场比赛。

    He is running his horse in the next race .

  11. 被马抛下的骑手又回到了马背上;被摔倒的摔交选手;球手没有投中。

    The thrown rider got back on his horse ; a thrown wrestler ; a ball player thrown for a loss .

  12. 这些角马冲下河岸,卷起滚滚烟尘,而后它们跳跃20英尺进入河中。

    A cloud of dust is kicked up as the beasts tumble down the river bank before leaping 20 feet into the water .

  13. “可是马怎么吃下药片啊?”萨姆问。

    But how does a horse take pills ? @ asked Sam.

  14. 你是不是也给马金森中校下过命令?

    And did you give an order to Colonel markinson as well ?

  15. 他们骑着马往山下飞奔而去。

    They rode at full gallop down the hill .

  16. 嗨,保罗,老伙计,你在马身上下过注吗?

    Say , Paul , old man , do you ever put anything on a horse ?

  17. 在吉隆坡市中心一家购物中心里,一名马来西亚人周二从一匹巨马装饰物下走过。

    Malaysian walks under a giant horse decoration at a shopping mall in downtown Kuala Lumpur on tuesday .

  18. 我一跃而起,一声沉重的响声过后又听到比尔一声呻吟,像是马给卸下鞍子的一声长嘘。

    He moved it faster and faster around his head . Just then I heard a heavy sound and a deep breath from Bill .

  19. 事先要在又粗又牢的绳子上练习,这样你就能知道如何在不伤害你或是你的马的情况下使用你的小刀。

    Practice using the knife beforehand on a thick , tight rope so you know how to wield it without injuring yourself or your horse .

  20. 我闭上了眼就能够想到,马塔尔树下的阴影是更深黑了,池塘里的水看来黑得发亮。

    I can just shut my eyes and think that the shadows are growing darker under the madar tree , and the water in the pond looks shiny black .

  21. 同时根据该断裂带两侧已知铀矿化的特征,阐明了马剑-下梓州断裂带对铀成矿的控制作用。

    On the basis of features of the known uranium occurrences distributing in the both sides of the fault zone , its control on uranium mineralization has been also described .

  22. 以共线方程作为观测模型,利用极大似然估计得到了相对导航系统满足克拉马-罗下边界的最优误差方差阵和费歇尔信息阵。

    Navigation observation model is constructed based on collinearity equations , optimal error variance matrix and Fisher information matrix , satisfying Cramer-Rao lower bound , are obtained using maximum likelihood estimation .

  23. 在长江嘶马弯道水下护岸应用模袋混凝土表明,大掺量粉煤灰模袋混凝土能满足工程要求,且具有明显的经济效益。

    The application of the fabriform concrete admixed with mass fly ash in Sima reach of Yangtz River shows that the fabriform concrete can meet the project demands with considerable economic benefit .

  24. 然后他租借到赫里福德和斯托克伯特,然后才在2009-10赛季成为麦克马洪执教下的主力。

    His moment in the spotlight led to spells on loan at Hereford United and Stockport County before he returned to Melwood to become a regular in McMahon 's team for the2009-10 season .

  25. 那生意人只好扔下他的马,解下钱箱扛在背上,步行回家。

    The merchant had to leave the horse where it was , and unbuckle the duffel bag , load it onto his shoulder , and walk home on foot , not arriving there until very late that night .

  26. 美国密歇根,一名穆斯林女子,MonaRamouni,在她的“导盲马”的帮助下下车。

    Mona Ramouni , a blind Muslim woman , was seen with her guide horse getting off the bus in Michigan , US .

  27. 骑士离开一个驿站快马飞奔驶向下一个。

    A rider would leave one station and gallop to another .

  28. 从自行车、马等上跌下。

    Come off one 's bicycle , horse , etc.

  29. 现在,我们从巴塞罗那前往法国马尼库尔参加下一站比赛。

    From Barcelona , we now head to the centre of France for the next race in Magny-Cours .

  30. 契根从马尸上割下一薄片血淋淋的肉,举在半空中仔细瞧看。

    Chiggen sliced a thin strip of bloody meat off the carcass and held it up for inspection .