
  • 网络acacia mangium;acacia mangium willd;acacica mangium
  1. 对广州地区马占相思进行了二元立木材积表和一元立木材积表的编制。

    A standard volume table and a local volume table were compiled for Acacia mangium in Guangzhou .

  2. 用光学和电子显微镜观察马占相思子叶在离体培养中的细胞早期变化。

    The early events in cotyledon cells cultured in vitro of Acacia mangium were studied under light and electron microscope .

  3. 研究结果表明P缺乏是马占相思中龄林生长的主要限制因子。

    Results indicate that P deficiency was a main limit for the plantation productivity .

  4. 2生长预测模块本系统在福建省马占相思人工林调查资料的基础上,采用Monte-Carlo方法进行样地模拟,共模拟4000块样地。

    2 , Growth predict module , this system on the basis of the surveys of Fujian , adopting Monte-Carlo method to carry on plot simulation , each plot simulates 2000 pieces of simulation .

  5. 马占相思等5种纯林林地土壤理化性质分析

    Soil Physical and Chemical Characters of 5 Pure Stands

  6. 马占相思等4个相思树种的造林生长对比试验

    The Growth Comparative Test between Four Acacia Species

  7. 对广西百色林化总厂试生产的马占相思栲胶的物理化学性质及应用特点进行了研究。

    The physicochemical property of acacia mangium tannin extract and its characteristics of leather processing were investigated .

  8. 马占相思树干液流密度最大值与边材面积具显著相关关系;

    Maximum values of sap flux density of each trees had marked linear correlations with sapwood area .

  9. 以马占相思木材废料为原料,研究了利用微波辐射磷酸法制备活性炭的可行性。

    Feasibility of preparing activated carbon from bamboo knot with phosphorous acid by microwave radiation was studied .

  10. 马占相思的低温敏感区为6℃,大叶相思和厚英相思的低温敏感区为0~3℃;

    The sensitizing range of low temperature for A.mangium . was6 ℃, and3-0 CC for A.auriculaeformis and A.crassicarpa .

  11. 低温处理后,大叶相思和马占相思叶片中可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白质和游离脯氨酸含量均发生明显变化。

    Under low temperature stress , the contents of the soluble sugar , the soluble protein and the free proline changed significantly .

  12. 通过理论与实践、研建与测试、经营管理与质量评价,形成马占相思工业人工林林分经营管理的重要技术内核,为规模化相思树基地林经营管理奠定了基础。

    Through the theory and practice , model fitting and testing , stand management and quality evaluation , the important technological kernel about A.

  13. 金沙江干热河谷地区的主要造林树种中,以马占相思、山毛豆、真珠相思、大叶相思、台湾相思、绢毛相思、坡柳在旱季游离脯氨酸累积较多;

    The accumulation of free proline in some major tree species growing in dry and hot river valley of Jinsha during both dry and rainy seasons has respectively been determined .

  14. 马占相思林径级大的树木个体数较少,但占据林段边材总面积和林段蒸腾的比例较大。

    Even though there were less individual trees with large diameter at breast height ( DBH ) in the sample plot , they comprised relatively larger proportions of total sapwood area and transpiration of the forest .