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zuì xǐnɡ
  • sober up
  1. 拜托,我现在余醉未醒,难受得慌,没心情理会你对赞同的需求Sheldon我希望你能原谅我昨晚上的失礼。

    Leonard 's mom : Please , I am very hungover and in no mood to satisfy your need for approval . Sheldon , I do hope you 'll forgive me for my inappropriate behavior last night .

  2. 愁与醉无醒&杜甫与唐代酒文化

    DU Fu and Wine Culture in Tang Dynasty

  3. 詹娜,今天有点余醉未醒。

    Jenna 's a IittIe hung-over today .

  4. 我要回办公室,不想让别人看出我还余醉未醒。

    I 'm gonna waik into that office and not IET anyone know I 'm hung-over .

  5. 但是早晨的时候,这只余醉未醒的麋鹿站了起来,跌跌撞撞地往前走了几步。

    But by the morning the hungover animal had stood up and cautiously moved a few metres away .

  6. 我以为众人皆醉我独醒。

    I thought I was right and they were wrong .

  7. Brovent声称在Fitzjerald纹这个恶心的纹身的过程中她几乎是醉得不醒人事,完全失去知觉。

    She claims she was passed out for most of the time the tattoo artist executed the hideous tattoo .

  8. 在北京与受过良好教育、消息灵通的当地人争论呼吸有毒的空气是否安全,让我时常有一种众人皆醉我独醒的感觉。

    Arguing with otherwise well-educated and well-informed locals about whether or not the poisonous air was safe to breathe made me feel at times like the only sane person in a society gone mad .

  9. 母亲走到我跟前,说道“用你的能力证明给教练,你的同事及你的同学,众人皆醉唯你独醒。”

    My mother came to me and said , " Use that energy to prove to the coach and to your peers and your classmates , that they made a mistake . "