- Daoqing;a form of folk art;chanting folk tales to the accompaniment of simple percussion instruments;ballad with a moral theme

[a form of folk art;ballad with a moral theme] 曲艺的一个类别。渊源于唐代的《承天》《九真》等道曲。南宋始用渔鼓、筒板伴奏,故又称道情渔鼓。至清代,道情同各地民间音乐结合形成了同源异流的多种形式,如陕北道情、江西道情、湖北渔鼓、四川竹琴等。道情多以唱为主,以说为辅。有坐唱、站唱、单口、对口等表演形式
Percussion Music in Dao Qing Shadow Play of Huan County
Calling for the protection on this valuable treasure as well as some measures and methods .
Zhoukou Yue Opera and traditional extase have been identified as a national intangible cultural heritage .
This paper describes the percussion part of the shadow play and lays out its characteristics and functions .
Analysis of the Characteristics of Emotion - conveying in the Literature of the Confucian School in the Song Dynasty
The paper , with The Xies ' Troupes as a case , directional conducted in the field of research and investigation .
The religious artistic form of Taoism which has its unique connotation and value is formed in the development of the Taoism .
Summarized its cultural implications and multiple functions . 4 The current status and thinking of Dao-Qing in Northern Part of Shaanxi .
Its aria music evaluated main from Taipingdiao , whose development experienced the three stages of bamboo drum Daoqing silk string Daoqing and drama Daoqing .
From " watching for images " to " perceiving about affections ", it is possible for us to discover the artistic aesthesia elements in The Book of Changes .
Soon , they were next to the beautiful melody of affections has attracted in the past , from their facial expressions can be seen that they really like affections of temperament .
About the creation process , Zhu Xi proposed of this process is : feeling creation that sentiment move have thought and that this - seeming to is a natural , not from already the objective facts .
Zhu xi think the rise of art creation , one is the objective external things from the touches , namely " feeling thing ", one is because the creation subject subjective emotional expressional desire , namely " DaoQing " .
Dao Qing shadow play of Huan County , popular in Huan County of Gansu and vicinities , is rich in local flavor , and its percussion music , an indispensable part of the shadow play , is unique in form and colorful in content .
However , with unique folk art characteristics and its strong vitality , the Huan County Taoism shadow plays have been animating for hundreds of years among the high mountains and the lofty hills of Longdong , which is also called " Daoqing longdong " .