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  • 【辩证法】He Shi Sheng Wu, two kinds of substance synthesis into another
  1. 和实生物就是说只有不同文明之间相互吸收借鉴,才能文物化新,推进文明的进步。

    Harmony generates vitality . This means that only with mutual interaction and enrichment can different civilizations rejuvenate and continue to grow .

  2. 和实生物是古往今来不变的真理,同时21世纪绿色文明的核心是和谐,人类的三大和谐是人类生存的新战略。

    As we know , the harmony , the core of the green civilization of 21 century , has become a kind of new strategy for human being 's living and development .

  3. 其生态伦理学意蕴可以归纳为:和实生物的普遍联系论、物无贵贱的生态平等论(道家)、仁民爱物的天人和谐论(儒家)以及民胞物与的终极价值论。

    Its connotations of ecological ethics can be summed up as the theories of universal relation , ecological equality ( Taoism ), the theory of loving all the people and animals ( Confucianism ) and the theory that " People are my brothers and all things are my kinds " .