
  1. 中国对于是否真的希望人民币全球化依然犹豫不决,智囊机构中国社科院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)有影响力的经济学家余永定表示。

    China is still very hesitant about whether it really wants the currency to be international , says Yu Yongding , an influential economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences think-tank .

  2. 中国社会科学院经济学家余永定表示,投资占国内生产总值(GDP)的比重过去在25%左右,如今正向50%靠拢。

    According to Yu Yongding , an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , investment that was once around 25 per cent of gross domestic product is heading towards 50 per cent .

  3. 这就是为什么余永定的观点值得肯定。他在《金融时报》(FT)上撰文称:“中国人民银行必须停止购买美元,并尽快允许人民币汇率由市场决定。”

    Which is why Yu , to his credit , wrote in the FT that " the People 's Bank of China must stop buying US dollars and allow the Renminbi exchange rate to be decided by market forces as soon as possible . "

  4. 余永定表示,这一点已经在衡量投资效率的增量资本产出率(icor)数据中清楚地体现出来。

    Prof Yu says this is already evident in the figures for the incremental capital / output ratio , which measures the efficiency of investment .

  5. 余永定在中国的政策制定方面颇具影响力。

    Mr Yu has been influential in Chinese policymaking .

  6. 中国知名经济学家余永定表达了同样的担忧。

    Yu Yongding , one of China 's leading economists , has raised similar concerns .

  7. 而在刺激政策的作用下,目前这一数字已高于6,在余永定看来,这是一个明显的警示信号。

    Yet as a result of the stimulus it is now above six , he says , which is a large red warning light .

  8. 包括余永定在内的一些官员,希望实现速度较慢、但质量较高的经济增长,而这可能影响到亚洲其它地区。

    Some officials , including Mr Yu , want to embrace slower , better quality growth , which would affect the rest of Asia .

  9. 余永定表示:我们必须下定决心,更强有力地推动目标的实现,而非不断妥协。

    We need to make up our own minds to push in a more forceful way to achieve the objective rather than make many compromises , he says .

  10. 中国央行前顾问、著名经济学家余永定表示,欧洲和中国“应该合作向美国施压,要求其改变货币政策”。

    Yu Yongding , a leading Chinese economist and former central bank adviser , said Europe and China " should play together and put pressure on the us to change its monetary policy " .

  11. 余永定指出,迄今为止这种使用甚至只“停留在表面”,充其量是一种在不受限的离岸人民币市场与受限的在岸人民币市场之间进行汇率套利的手段。

    Mr Yu argues that even its use to date is " superficial " , little more than a ruse enabling exchange rate arbitrage between the free offshore renminbi market and the controlled onshore one .

  12. 中国社科院经济学家余永定长期支持采取措施促进消费,他表示,经济放缓是转变经济结构的一个契机。

    Yu Yongding , an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and a long-time supporter of measures to boost consumption , says the slowdown is an opportunity to change the structure of the economy .