
jūn shì zhì dù
  • military system
  1. 卫所制是明代重要的军事制度。

    Wei-so system is an important military system of Ming Dynasty .

  2. 李茂贞行天子礼,墨制除官,建立了一套特殊的职官、军事制度。

    He also set up a set of special officials , military system .

  3. 军事制度改革是新政的重要内容之一。

    Military institution reform was one of the main content .

  4. 战国中山军事制度初探

    A Discussion on the Military System of Zhongshan State in the Warring States Period

  5. 在某种程度上,封建制度可以视为一种军事制度。

    In a certain extent , the feudal system could be considered a military regime .

  6. 如果仅仅从从军事制度上观察,厢军制度的确不是善制。

    The Xiang Forces system was really not a perfect system if just looking into its military system .

  7. 卡伦是清代一项重要的军事制度,它对于清代政权的建立起到了积极作用。

    Maybe the research in this article could make a benefit to understanding the military rules of Qing Dynasty .

  8. 这个话题让我想起民众本质中最坏的一种表现,即我痛恨不已的军事制度。

    This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of the herd nature , the military system , which I abhor .

  9. 由《魏书·邢峦传》看北魏军事制度改革的滞后

    On Lagging Behind of Military System in the Northern Wei Dynasty : through a Study of the Biography of Xing Luan of Wei Shu

  10. 东汉的边防政策与当时的政治、经济、军事制度以及人们的思想观念密切相关。

    The defence policy of Dong Han Dynasty had relation with the politics . the economy , the military system and the idea concept .

  11. 作为军事制度的一部分,奖惩制度随军事体制的变化而变化。

    As a part of the army discipline , the system of rewards and penalties changed in accordance with the change of the army system .

  12. 骑士制度首先是一种军事制度,骑士阶层在中世纪西欧所拥有的各种特权和社会地位都建立在其在战场上的军事优势之上。

    All the privileges and social position that the knights owned in the medieval Europe were based on its military advantages in the battle field .

  13. 春秋战国时代是中国古代历史上的大变革时期,军事制度和军事伦理观都产生了极大的变化。

    Spring and Autumn Warring States period is a greatly revolutionary era in Chinese Ancient history , the military systems and the military ethical opinions had changed greatly .

  14. 摘要战国时期,中山作为一中等国家能纵横于各大国之间,这与它拥有较为完善的军事制度密不可分。

    Though Zhongshan is a medium state in the Warring States period , it could existed among big states , which has close relation to its military system .

  15. 营制饷章既涉及军事制度改革的方方面面,同时也规定了中国新式陆军的军队建制和军队薪饷。

    Rates Chapter of the camp system , both involving all aspects of military reform , but also provides for new Army military establishment and the army Xinxiang .

  16. 入关前后的八旗满洲,只是按特定的政治&军事制度组织起来的女真语部众。

    The Manchu Eight banners around the time of entering the Shanhai Pass were tribal groups speaking Jurchen language and simply formed together by the political - military system .

  17. 这一迥然差异的表层原因在于阉寺是否握有兵权,而其深层原因则在于两代的军事制度截然不同。

    The surface difference of the facts is whether the eunuchs had controls over military power , but the deep difference lies in the military systems of the two dynasties .

  18. 战国时期,郡县制政体下分立的中央集权制国家的建立及各国政治、经济、军事制度的逐步统一,将中国早期国家的结构形式推进至早期单一制阶段。

    During the Warring States Period the centralized states established and the political , economic and military systems of different states gradually became unified , thus forming early unitary state structure .

  19. 卫所制度是明朝创立的一种全新的军政制度,是明代军事制度的一个重要组成部分,是明代海防政策的一个重要体现,也是明代对外交往的一个缩影。

    The Garrison System is a new military policy started from Ming Dynasty , which constitutes a major role in Ming military system and typical embodiment of the Ming coastal defensive policy .

  20. 这种转型表现在政治制度、经济制度、思想文化、城市建设、军事制度、日常生活等诸多领域。

    This transition is reflected in the following ways : political system , economic system , ideology and culture , urban construction , the military system , and many other areas of daily life .

  21. 奖励制度是美国军队的重要军事制度之一,历经数百年的发展,形成了富有特色的制度架构和内容。

    Military Award System ( MAS ), which has gone through hundreds of years and formed US military style institutional structure and content , is one of the most important military systems of US Forces .

  22. 这些章程基本是以西方的军事制度为模板,同时也考虑了中国的具体情况而有所变通,既体现了现代化的特点,也融入了国情。

    These articles of association is the basic Western military system as a template , taking into account the specific circumstances of some modifications that reflects the modern features , integrated into the national conditions .

  23. 第一章对共和晚期的时代背景进行了简要的介绍,突出这一时期是罗马帝国元首制和罗马军队职业化的成型时期,酝酿着此后数百年间罗马帝国的政治和军事制度。

    There are three chapters , the first chapter introduces the background of Rome in the Late Republic . It is an important era which the professional Roman army and the Principate system were coming into existence .

  24. 兵役制度是国家军事制度的重要组成部分,它随着国家和军队的形成而出现,并随着战争的需要和国家政治、经济、文化、军事、人口等的变化而不断发生变化。

    The system of military service is a significant component of the national military , which changes constantly along with the needs of wars and the changes of political system , economic , cultural , military and demographic aspect .

  25. 在封建社会向着资本主义社会发展的过程中,必然伴随着军事制度的变革,传统的以土地为基础的封建军役必将随着封建制度的消亡而瓦解。

    Therefore , the feudal society toward capitalism and social development process will be accompanied by the military reform of the system ; the land of the old feudal military officers will be with the dissolution of the feudal system .

  26. 第二部分,从社会制度系统的公共制度层面,研究了土家族传统社会的政治制度文化、经济制度文化、法律制度文化、军事制度文化、教育制度文化。

    In terms of the public institution of the social institutional systems , Part Two is the study of the cultures of the political systems , economic systems , legal systems , martial systems and educational systems in Tujia 's traditional society .

  27. 制度史历来为史家所重视,军事制度本身也因其应用现实性也让许多历史研究者倾注大量心血,中国古代的王朝更替与皇帝家族所掌握的军事力量有着直接干系。

    The history of the system has always been valued by historians , so many historical researchers devote a lot of effort to studying military system for itself practical application . There is a direct relationship between Chinese ancient dynasties and the military power that emperor family holds .

  28. 建立健全军事财政制度体系是我国军费结构优化的制度保证;

    Establishing and perfecting the system of military public finance ;

  29. 秦简中的军事法律制度

    The military legal system found in The Bamboo Slips In Qin Dynasty

  30. 秦简中的军事法律制度论战时军事刑事诉讼法律制度

    On the Legal System of Military Criminal Lawsuits at Wartime