
jūn fǎ
  • military law;military criminal code
军法 [jūn fǎ]
  • [military law] 军队中的刑法

  • 以军法从事。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  • 挠以军法。

军法[jūn fǎ]
  1. 中国古代军法的早期形态

    The Early Forms of Ancient Chinese Military Law

  2. 因为在军法中,也同样规定禁止偷取别人的东西,所以这位新兵下定决心,无论如何不去犯偷盗。

    Since the military law also barred stealing , the new soldier set a firm resolution not to steal under any circumstance .

  3. 他因擅离职守受到了军法审判。

    He was court-martialled for desertion .

  4. 我受到军法审判,被判处6个月的军事监禁。

    I was court-martialled and sentenced to six months in a military prison .

  5. 报告说酷刑普遍存在,政府军法外行刑也屡见不鲜。

    The report says torture was widespread , as were extra-judicial executions by government troops .

  6. 他因雇佣他人代理自己的勤务受到军法处罚。

    He was punished by court-martial for having hired his duty .

  7. 要是我们都还在军法署的时候我就知道就好了。

    Wish I 'd have known that when we were at jag .

  8. 曾担任海军军法检察官及美国司法部长。

    Former Navy judge advocate and attorney general of the United states .

  9. 1879年,这些法被并入陆军军法条例。

    The acts were consolidated by the Army Discipline Act in 1879 .

  10. 她可能因违抗指挥官而受到军法审判。

    She is likely to be court-martialled for disobeying her commanding officer .

  11. 我不在乎军法署怎么处置我。

    I don 't care what jag does with me .

  12. 应否建立军事行政诉讼制度这一问题更成为理论界和军法实践中讨论的焦点。

    The theme on military administrative litigation has been academic and practical focus .

  13. 将军对是否将这人交军法审判还犹豫不决。

    The general is hesitant to court-martial the man .

  14. 去把那两个军法署律师都找来。

    Get both of those jag lawyers in here .

  15. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。

    He faced a court martial for disobeying orders .

  16. 军法官完成了对你的案子的听证。

    The judge advocate 's done hearing your case .

  17. 佐治亚州如今几乎处于军法管制之下。

    Georgia was virtually under martial law now .

  18. 这些士兵面临着军法指控。

    The soldiers faced charges under military law .

  19. 军备控制和裁军法委员会

    Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament Law

  20. 所以现在你只想在海军军法署混上3年。

    And now you 're just treading water for three years in the jag corps .

  21. 上校威胁要对他进行军法审判。

    The Colonel threatened to court-martial him .

  22. 据说你是个出色的律师,以前在军法署干。

    Rumor has it that you 're very good attorney , formerly of the JAG core .

  23. 军法处决则是另一种情形。

    Military executions are conducted differently .

  24. 军法管制首席执行官年(住宅房地)加租管制法

    Chief Martial Law Administrator of Bangladesh Rent Increases ( Domestic Premises ) Control Act , 1971 1971

  25. 也就是说依法治军、从严治军的理论为军法从严的正当性提供了理论基础。

    That is in army , from the strictly theoretical to provide atheoretical basis for strict martial law legitimacy .

  26. 士卒已经亲近依附,但不执行军纪军法,这样的军队也不可使用。

    When the loyalty of the men is secured , but punishments are not enforced , such troops cannot be used either .

  27. 如果证据确凿,罗伯茨可能被控攻击和通奸。依据军法,这已构成犯罪。

    If investigators find enough evidence , Roberts could be charged with assault and adultery , which is a crime under military law .

  28. 以我的荣誉起誓,我将尽我最大的努力,为国家和上帝尽我的义务,遵守童子军法。

    On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law ;

  29. 她是纳粹党的一个下级官员,但根据军法条例,属于可以立即拘捕的那类犯人。

    She had been a low official in the Nazi Party , but high enough , Army Regulations , to fall into an automatic-arrest category .

  30. 代替阿尤布上台的叶海亚·汗上台伊始便宣布停止实行所有法律,实行军法管制。

    Instead of Ayub , Yahya Khan came to power , who announced to stop the implementation of all the laws , and imposed marital control .