
  • 网络New Tools;new instrument;Novum Organum
  1. 智能手机提供了实现这些目标的新工具,并提供了有关各种环境中日常行为的丰富数据。

    Smartphones offer new tools for achieving these ambitions , providing rich data about everyday behaviors in a variety of contexts .

  2. 以DNA为基础的分子标记克服了这些弊端,为其遗传研究和连锁分析提供了新工具。

    Molecular marker based on DNA overcomes these shortcomings and provides new tools for genetic research and linkage analysis .

  3. 你可以领一套新工具,再不就用我的吧。

    You can get a new set of tools , or else you may use mine for the time being .

  4. 这种新工具正是技术革新运动的产儿。

    This new implement is a product of the drive for technical innovation .

  5. 在一些课程中使用新工具的学生也很高兴。

    The students who are using the new tool in some courses are also happy .

  6. XML&构造未来Web的新工具

    XML & a New Tool to Construct the Future Web

  7. AdobeFlex是一款可以交付富Internet应用程序的新工具。

    Adobe Flex is a new tool that can deliver rich Internet applications .

  8. 我建议您使用强大的man命令获取帮助信息,或者通过它了解新工具。

    I recommend that you make liberal use of the stalwart man command any time you 're confused or simply want to learn about a new tool .

  9. VaR作为一种市场风险测量和管理的新工具,得到了国际金融界的广泛认可。

    VaR is a globally accepted tool for measuring and managing the market risks .

  10. IBMRationalMethodComposer(RMC)是一款为建建定制交付过程而设计的新工具。

    The IBM Rational Method Composer ( RMC ) is a new tool designed to build custom delivery processes .

  11. 这款新工具引进了一系列新的IBM设计器用于创建、更改和复制数据库对象

    The new tooling introduces a new set of IBM designers to create , alter , and clone database objects

  12. 价格时间Petri网是对web服务过程和工作流模型等进行时间和成本分析的一种新工具。

    Price time Petri net is an emerging tool to analyze time and cost attributes of web service process and workflow model .

  13. 如果可能的话,您可以延迟一下定制,直到RationalQualityManager已经使用了一段时间,用户对新工具的功能已经很熟悉了为止。

    If possible , postpone customization until after Rational Quality Manager has been in use for a while to allow users to get familiar with the new tool 's capabilities .

  14. 这些新工具所带来的&也就是人们在谈论的Web2.0。

    As these new tools took hold – people started to talk about Web2.0 .

  15. 以DNA为基础的分子标记用于遗传图谱构建和遗传多样性分析是遗传学领域的重大进展,为遗传研究和连锁分析提供了新工具。

    Constructing genetic map and genetic diversity analysis by molecular markers was one of the most exiting progresses in genetic area , which provides new tools for genetic research and linkage analysis .

  16. 信息管理的新工具&汉字dBASEⅢ

    A New Tool for Information Management-Chinese Character dBASE III

  17. 该方法可作为研究海森堡型磁性系统(HM)的新工具。

    This method can be a new implement for the studies on the magnetic systems with Heisenberg model ( HM ) .

  18. 好,这意味着社会媒体技术如推特和Facebook,及社会网络网站提供了社会活动的新工具。

    Well , it means that social media technologies like Twitter and sites like Facebook and social networking sites are creating a new tool for activism .

  19. 现在ConsolidatedPowerworks的IT部门对于EasyDemand的性能问题有了应对之策,即名为Moonlight的新工具。

    Now the IT Department at Consolidated Powerworks has an answer for Easy Demand 's performance problem & a new tool called Moonlight .

  20. 备份软件包括tar这类旧备用工具,以及Clonezilla这类新工具。

    Backup software can include old standbys such as tar or newer tools such as Clonezilla .

  21. 微软还发布了Web平台安装包(Web-PI),它包含了web开发相关的最新工具、服务器、数据库和框架,而且是完全免费的。

    Microsoft has also released the Web Platform Installer ( Web-PI ) . Web-PI includes the latest versions of tools , server , database and framework .

  22. 现在,MonitorV6.2中提供了一些优秀的新工具,使需要设置和维护生产环境的IT管理员的工作更方便。

    Monitor V6.2 now boasts several new tools to ease the job of IT administrators who need to set up and maintain a production environment .

  23. 构建完成后,键入makeinstallasroot,您应该在GIMP中拥有了一个功能完整的新工具。

    When building GIMP with these changes , type make , then when it is done , type make install as root and you should have a fully functional new tool in GIMP .

  24. 近年来,格子Boltzmann方法已经发展成为模拟流体流动以及为复杂物理现象建模的一个新工具。

    Recently , the Lattice Boltzmann Method ( LBM ) has developed into a new tool for simulating fluid flows and modeling complicated physical phenomena .

  25. 小分子双链RNA(siRNA)可以高效、特异地沉默目的基因表达,为基因功能研究及基因治疗提供了新工具。

    The small interference double-stranded RNA ( siRNA ) can suppress gene expression with high efficiency and specificity . It has proven valuable in gene functionalization and gene therapy .

  26. 但现在,北京居民有了一种对付雾霾的新工具:一系列可供用户查看污染数据的iPad和iPhone应用。

    But now Beijingers have a new tool to deal with the smog : a range of apps for iPads and iPhones that allow users to check pollution data .

  27. 虽然ETL等新工具和新技术出现使得集成数据手段更加多样化,人们可以获取的数据资源日益丰富、数据量也急剧增加。

    While the ETL and other new technologies make methods of data integration more diversification , people can get richer data , data quantity increasing dramatically .

  28. OpenAdminTool(OAT)是一种开放源码的独立于平台的新工具,它的开发让IDS用户可以轻松地管理服务器。

    To make server administration even easier , a new open source , platform-independent tool called OpenAdmin Tool ( OAT ) is now available to IDS users .

  29. 现在只要透过这些新工具,就可以让技术设计团队在任何时间、地点,经由网路轻松存取、分享、列印建案的大图,如同他们(HP)所提到的那样。

    With these new tools , now it 's possible to enable technical design teams to easily access , share and print large format project files online anytime , anywhere , as they pointed .

  30. GIT是用于版本控制的最新工具之一,它最初是由LinusTorvalds创建的。

    GIT is one of the newest tools available for version control and was initially created by Linus Torvalds .