
  • 网络pre-understanding;preunderstanding;pre-occupation
  1. 分析译者的前理解因素为翻译评论提供了新的视角。

    The proposal of the translator 's pre-understanding provides a new perspective for translation criticism .

  2. 译者的理解具有主观性,这是由译者的前理解及理解过程的阐释性质决定的。

    This is due to his pre-understanding and the interpretative essence of the understanding process .

  3. 前理解理论为认识文化误译提供了理论根源,但在实践中缺乏实际可操作性。

    The preunderstanding theory does provide epistemological perspective for cultural mistranslation .

  4. 猪尾猴疟原虫广西株红前期的研究浅析前理解

    The pre - erythrocytic stage of Plasmodium inui Guangxi strain in macaques

  5. 浅析前理解氧化铝预烧结前后及玻璃渗透后渗透陶瓷的扫描电镜观察

    SEM analysis of infiltrated ceramics before and after pre - sintering firing and infiltrating firing

  6. 基于人的社会性的生存实践的前理解,是科学的历史性原则的核心。

    Pre-understanding which based on the existentially practical activities is the core of historicity principle of science .

  7. 由于各主体的前理解和视域的不同,他们对文本的阐释也各不相同。

    Since they have different pre-understandings and horizons , their interpretations of the source text are various and different .

  8. 一方面,波普尔所强调的预期与哲学解释学所强调的前理解结构在出发点上是一致的。

    On one hand , the anticipation emphasized by Popper and the pre-understanding structure emphasized by philosophical hermeneutics have the same starting-point .

  9. 已经实现了的理解构成前理解,进一步的理解和解释以前理解为基础,二者形成一种循环关系。

    The realized understanding forms the fore-understanding or fore-structure of understanding , which serves as foundation of the further understanding and interpretation .

  10. 伽达默尔在前理解、完全性的先把握和视域融合等概念基础上提出效果历史的现点,认为理解是有历史性的。

    Based on the notions of pre-understanding and horizon fusions , Gadamer has installed the concept of effective history , emphasizing understanding being historical .

  11. 本文第二章从读者的角度分析了前理解结构及其共性对理解的制约作用;

    In the second chapter the paper analyzes the constraint of the state of pre-understanding and its universality over understanding from the angle of the reader .

  12. 阐释学中前理解、偏见、视域融合、效果历史等核心概念给翻译理论研究带来了新的启示。

    The core concepts such as pre-understanding , prejudice , fusion of horizons , and effective history in hermeneutics bring new light into translation theory study .

  13. 教师应关注学生的期待视野或前理解,提高阅读教学的有效性。

    Teachers should be concerned about the students ' horizon of expectation " or " pre-understanding , to improve the effectiveness of the teaching of reading .

  14. 中国传统的各门类艺术都有追求空白的思想资源,这是人们对神韵诗空白的前理解。

    Various kinds of the Chinese traditional arts have all kept an ideological source of pursuing blankness , which expresses the previous knowledge of people about romantic poetry .

  15. 后者在逻辑模式上强调解释项对于价值项的包含,它是人的历史性的生存实践前理解理解、解释的简洁表达。

    The latter stresses on that explanans should induct value factor , it is the succinct expression of " human historic existence ── preunderstanding ── understanding and explanation " .

  16. 根据接受美学的理论,就是要同时把握欣赏者的前理解和审美的期待视野。

    According to the theory of accepts esthetics , it means to hold " earlier understanding " and " the esthetic anticipation field of vision " in the meanwhile .

  17. 文学翻译过程就是阐释的循环过程,它始终受到翻译主体的前理解和历史性的影响,因而是无法做到纯客观的解释。

    The process of literary translation is that of hermeneutic motion , which is always influenced by fore-understanding of the subjects of translation and the factor of historical attribute .

  18. 不同的译者由于不同的前理解结构,形成不同的视域,在与文本的互动过程中生成不同的视域融合,从而产生风格各异的译本。

    Different translators having different pre-understanding and horizons , produce different " fusion of horizons " in the dynamic interaction with the source text and generate versions with diverse styles .

  19. 受制于由意识形态、诗学与传统文化构成的前理解的支配,译者在与原作的对话中不可能返回到作者原意,翻译文本也因为主观或者客观的原因形成了对原作的背离。

    Restricted by the fore-understandings of the translator , which composed by ideology , poetics and traditional culture , the translator is impossible to reconstruct the original for subjective or objective reasons .

  20. 本文一共分为四个主要部分。第一部分简单介绍了阐释学的起源和发展,以及几个与翻译有关的阐释学重要概念:前理解、偏见、有效历史、理解的历史性、和视域融合。

    The first part introduces the origin and development of hermeneutics and several key notions of hermeneutics : fore-understanding , prejudice , effective history , historical interpretation , and fusion of horizons .

  21. 通过和作者互动,两者都采用了变译的方法,如增添,删除,缩减,但由于前理解的不同,其删除增添的内容不尽相同。

    So did in the way of culture , they both applies the translation methods like deletion , abridgment and addition , but the content are not the same because their different fore-understandings .

  22. 服务的语义描述的用途在于,可帮助服务请求程序在调用服务前理解服务的内容、范围、要求、输出和效果。

    The purpose of the semantic description of the service is to help the service requester to understand the content , scope , requirements , outcomes and effects before the service is invoked .

  23. 写作风格是前理解结构的主要构成部分之一,而具有不同写作风格的译者往往可以从不同视角出发、形成不同的译本。

    Different translators , whose writing styles are the major parts of the pre-understanding structure , may start communicating with the source text from their own perceptions and end up in a diversity of versions .

  24. 运用哲学阐释学和接受美学的理论,借用其核心概念,即前理解、视域融合以及期待视域,文章分析了文学翻译中误读这一现象存在的可能性。

    By employing the core concepts such as " pre-understanding ", " horizon of expectation " and " fusion of horizon " from hermeneutics and the reception of aesthetics , the paper analyzes the possibility of misreading in literary translation .

  25. 翻译作品并不是在真空中产生的,原作者和译者通常会处于一定的历史文化环境,而这些特定的历史文化环境将会对他们的理解、写作和翻译产生影响,海德格尔把它们称作前理解结构。

    Translations are not made in a vacuum . Authors and translators are set in certain historical conditions and conventions , which are bound to influence their understanding , writing and translating . Those historical conditions and conventions are what Heidegger named pre-understanding .

  26. 本质上,Mila很多年前就理解,提升的过程会需要花费太长时间来完全转变成物质结构。

    In essence , Mila understood years ago that the ascension would take too long to bring totally into the physical structure .

  27. 在隐喻翻译前正确理解源语隐喻意义至关重要。

    Getting a correct understanding of the original metaphor before translating is very critical .

  28. 银行须确保长者客户在购买前全面理解产品条款内容。

    Banks have to ensure that ageing clients understand the products they are buying .

  29. 演讲前要理解要活动本身、会场和要传达的信息。

    Understand the occasion , venue and the message to be conveyed before the speech .

  30. 通过这样的方式,突降总是引出一个与前部分理解形成有强烈对比的几乎荒谬的结论。

    In this way , anticlimax often brings to an almost absurd conclusion , posing sharp contrast to addressees ' prior interpretations .