
  • 网络unsw;The University of New South Wales;University of NSW;New South Wales University
  1. 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院(UNSWBusinessSchoolofAustralia)澳大利亚管理研究生院(AGSM)首次上榜,排在第八位。

    AGSM at UNSW Business School of Australia entered the ranking for the first time in eighth position .

  2. 该设施可容纳高达400个来自新南威尔士大学与澳大利亚儿童癌症研究所(CCIA)的研究人员,将成为南半球最大的专业癌症研究中心之一。

    The facility will house up to400 researchers from UNSW and the Children 's Cancer Institute Australia ( CCIA ), to become one of the largest dedicated cancer research centres in the Southern Hemisphere .

  3. 在新南威尔士大学(universityofnewsouthwales)担任助理教授的安德森表示,回美国的可能性现在“非常小”。

    Mr Anderson , an assistant professor at the University of New South Wales , says the chances of returning to the US are now " very small " .

  4. C17.2祖细胞系由澳大利亚新南威尔士大学解剖教研室DavidWalsh博士惠赠。

    David Walsh from the Department of Anatomy , The University of New South Wales , Australia , provided the C17.2 cell line .

  5. 新南威尔士大学的一组物理学家已经解决了这个难题的主要方面,创造出生避世界上最细的导线,从而引领了与IBM的科研合作。

    A team of physicists at the University of New South Wales has solved a major part of the puzzle with the creation of the world 's narrowest conducting wire , leading to a research partnership with IBM .

  6. 由悉尼新南威尔士大学NgSheauFang倡导的一项研究,对基因相似的雄性老鼠实验,把它们分为两组。

    Led by Ng Sheau Fang at the University of New South Wales , the study used male rats that were genetically similar .

  7. 原定要和兰格开会的人中,有一位是他的老同事库珀(DavidCooper)。库珀是悉尼新南威尔士大学(UniversityofNewSouthWales)艾滋病研究院KirbyInstitute的主任。

    Among those due to meet Mr. Lange , the AIDS activist , was long-time colleague David Cooper , Director of the Kirby Institute , an institute specializing in HIV / AIDS research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney .

  8. LauriePearcey是新南威尔士大学助理校长,他说,中国对世界其他地区应对多重挑战下推行全球化做出了杰出贡献。

    Laurie Pearcey , assistant principal of the University of New South Wales , suggests that China contributes to globalization amid multiple challenges facing other parts of the world .

  9. 新南威尔士大学的高等代数教学

    Higher Algebra Teaching in the University of New South Wales

  10. 新南威尔士大学海外办事处的全球更新系统提供定期更新。

    Global Update provides regular updates of activities at the UNSW Overseas Offices .

  11. 卡尔·塞耶是澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的东南亚政治分析家。

    Carl Thayer is a southeast Asia political analyst with the University of New South Wales in Australia .

  12. 每门课除了主讲教师外,还另配有经过新南威尔士大学认证的辅导教师。

    Besides the subject professors , there is a tutor for every subject , who is certified by UNSW too .

  13. 新南威尔士大学的教授MartinGreen在一份声明中说,这是所有获报道的将太阳能转换为电能的案例中效率最高的一例。

    This is the highest efficiency ever reported for sunlight conversion into electricity , UNSW Professor Martin Green said in a statement .

  14. 澳洲籍教师,新南威尔士大学信息管理学硕士。

    Richard , a teacher from Australia , gained a Master Degree of information Management in the University of New South Wales .

  15. 尽管全球金融危机爆发,罗伊癌症研究中心是新南威尔士大学目前进行的主要斥资7.0亿美元的校舍重建计划中的一个项目。

    The Lowy Cancer Research Centre is part of a major $ 700 million campus re-development currently underway at UNSW despite the global financial crisis .

  16. 马丁·格林,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学教授,从事对太阳能应用发展方面的研究。

    Martin Green is an Australian professor at the University of New South Wales who works intensively with the development of the use of solar energy .

  17. 同时,通过来自亚洲地区最好的大学的研究员组成的新网络,新南威尔士大学正在扩大与亚洲的联系。

    At the same time , UNSW is expanding links to Asia through the appointment of a new network of research fellows from the region 's best universities .

  18. 但是,对服务业情有独衷的她选择了新南威尔士大学的酒店管理和市场营销专业。

    However , her preference for a job in the service industry , led her to major in Hotel Management and Marketing at the University of New South Wales .

  19. 新南威尔士大学2011年的一项研究显示,在遭受家庭暴力的女性中,有三分之二在职,该结果澄清了一个错误看法:即多数受害者是家庭主妇。

    A 2011 study by UNSW showed two-thirds of women who experienced domestic violence were in employment , a finding that dispels a myth that most victims work in the home .

  20. 澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士大学的迈克尔查普曼的从事不同种类的辅助生育治疗之间的比较研究。

    So says Michael Chapman at the University of New South Wales in Sydney , Australia , following a study that compared different kinds of assisted fertility treatment ( AFT ) .

  21. 刘先生说他对新南威尔士大学学生和教职员的反馈尤其感兴趣,他将把新南威尔士大学的质量模型带回中国。

    Mr Liu said he was especially interested in the feedback from UNSW students on university staff and programs and that he would be taking the UNSW quality model back to China .

  22. 据新南威尔士大学,研究者们能将照射在面板上超40%的阳光转化为电能,这是世界的先例。

    In what the University of New South Wales described as a world first , the researchers were able to convert more than 40 percent of sunlight hitting the panels into electricity .

  23. 施博士是该校最优秀的知名毕业生之一,曾潜心于新南威尔士大学目前正广泛应用于太阳能电池的晶体硅薄膜的发展项目。

    Dr Shi is one of the School 's best known graduates and was involved in the development at UNSW of the revolutionary thin silicon film which is used in the latest solar cells .

  24. 悉尼大学,新南威尔士大学和澳大利亚Percpetia设备公司,将为两个最优秀博士生提供一次在高速电路设计领域的绝佳学习机会。

    The University of Sydney , University of NSW and Perceptia Devices Australia will offer an exciting opportunity in advanced , high speed circuit design to only two of the most qualified PhD candidates .

  25. 这项技术是由新南威尔士大学的海因里希·霍拉和他的同事共同开发的,他们使用功率强大的激光把氢和硼原子融合在一起,以便释放出可以用来发电的高能粒子。

    The technology developed by Heinrich Hora and his colleagues at the University of NSW uses powerful lasers to fuse together hydrogen and boron atoms , releasing high-energy particles that can be used to generate electricity .

  26. 澳大利亚悉尼市新南威尔士大学的教授罗布·布鲁克斯和同事开展了此项调查,他们让100位男生对201幅女性身形素描的魅力作出评价,这些女性的臀围、腰围和肩宽各不相同。

    Professor Rob Brooks at the University of New South Wales in Sydney , Australia , and colleagues , asked 100 male students to judge the attractiveness of 201 line drawings of female torsos with different hip , waist and shoulder measurements .

  27. 点睛之笔来自福加斯去年发表的研究报告。这项或许是他迄今最令人感兴趣的研究,是在一家街头小店展开的,离他在新南威尔士大学校园里的办公室不远。

    The icing on the cake came last year , when Forgas published perhaps his most intriguing study to date , one that took place in a corner shop not far from his office on the campus of the University of New South Wales .

  28. 新南威尔士大学共有68名女大学生参加了此项研究。为了了解调查对象是否在乎自己的体型,研究人员让她们在吃完饭的两小时后,对外表、健康和身体舒适度三个因素按照重要性进行排序。

    Sixty-eight female university students took part in the study : two hours after their last meal , they were asked to prioritize the importance of physical attractiveness , health and physical fitness to find out whether they give importance to the way their body looks .

  29. 悉尼新南威尔士大学的杜利教授说:“概率不是婚姻最为浪漫的基础,但尽管这一公式不适用于每一个人,它确实适用于很多夫妻,不论是巧合还是精心设计的。”

    Professor Dooley , of New South Wales University in Sydney , added : ' Probability isn 't the most romantic basis for a marriage but while the formula won 't fit everyone it does seem to fit a lot of couples , whether through accident or design . '

  30. 这项研究结果在《饮食行为》第十一期上发表。新南威尔士大学的研究生菲奥纳·蒙罗解释说:“我们原以为,为身材所困的女性看到广告中的苗条女性后会减少食量。”

    Fiona Monro , graduate student at the University of New South Wales , explains the results of the study published in the November edition of the journal , Eating Behaviors : " We would expect people who value the way they look would be reminded by viewing the image and not eat . "