
  • 网络singapore Strait;Straits of Singapore
  1. 基于可拓学的新加坡海峡航行环境安全评估,一方面能丰富新加坡海峡航行环境的安全评估方法,另一方面探索基于可拓学的评估方法的应用新领域。

    On one hand , enrich the Singapore strait navigation environment safety assessment methodology , on the other hand , explore the new areas based on Extenics assessment methodology .

  2. 就仅在2010年前三个季度,就发生了举世震惊的墨西哥湾钻井平台爆炸、新加坡海峡溢油和我国大连湾溢油事件,它们都造成了巨大的经济损失和难以估量的生态灾难。

    Only in the first quarters of 2010 , three serious accidents including drilling platform explosion in the Gulf of Mexico , strait oil spill in Singapore and oil spill in the Dalian Gulf of China happened earth-shatteringly , causing great financial losses and inestimable ecological disasters .

  3. 新加坡是马六甲海峡沿岸经济最为发达的国家,它的繁荣在很大程度上是依靠马六甲海峡带动起来的。

    Singapore is the most economically developed country along the coast of the Straits of Malacca . Its prosperity to a large extent depends on the Straits of Malacca .

  4. 新加坡的马六甲海峡安全观显然还具有相当大的完善空间,这将是一个任重而道远的过程。

    Finally , some views on the solutions of the problems are further suggested . Obviously , the security concept of the Straits of Malacca in Singapore has been considerable room for improving . Therefore , the work of improving the security concept is still a long-term and arduous task .