
  • 网络Qingdao port;port of qingdao
  1. 青岛港港口吞吐量与青岛市GDP关系的计量经济分析

    An econometrical analysis of relationship between the throughout of Qingdao Port and GDP of Qingdao

  2. 通过DEA有效性评价可以发现,青岛港与城市经济发展两者之间是有效的。

    By effectiveness evaluation of DEA , it can be found that the economic development between Qingdao Port and the city is effective .

  3. 本文首先将时间窗口DEA模型运用到港口效率评价中,选择青岛港2001-2010年数据为研究样本,共创建6个决策单元。

    This thesis will firstly apply Window analysis of DEA model on evaluating the efficiency of the port , select 2001-2010 data of the Qingdao Port as the study sample , and create 6 Decision Making Unit ( DMU ) .

  4. 青岛港发生的用金属换贷款丑闻,曾导致在中国仓库内用于融资的金属镍外流,流向更安全的伦敦金属交易所(LME)亚洲库房。

    The metals for loans scandal at the port of Qingdao triggered an exit of nickel that had been ' financed ' in China warehouses for safer London Metal Exchange storage in Asia .

  5. 青岛港建设国际集装箱枢纽港的思考

    Consideration about Constructing Qingdao Port into An International Container Hub Port

  6. 青岛港老港区交通状况及其综合治理

    The traffic situation of Qingdao port area and its comprehensive governing

  7. 青岛港20万吨级矿石专用码头设计简介

    Design of the 200,000 DWT Specialized Ore Terminal of Qingdao Port

  8. 青岛港54号泊位挖潜的分析

    Analysis of Exploiting Potentialities for No.54 Berth in Port of Qingdao

  9. 基于竞争层次分析的青岛港集装箱码头的战略选择

    Strategy Selections of Qingdao Port Based on the Analysis of Competition Hiberarchy

  10. 青岛港八号码头建设中的若干技术问题

    Summary review of some constructional problems of pier No.8 of Qingdao harbour

  11. 代谢综合征患病率及分布特点&青岛港健康研究

    The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Feature from Qingdao Port Health Study

  12. 从青岛港看港口投资

    Insight into port investment , as seen from Qingdao Port

  13. 青岛港在东北亚港口中的竞争力分析

    Research on the Competitiveness of Qingdao Port in Northeast Asia

  14. 并以青岛港为例进行了验证。

    The conclusions mentioned are validated in the example of Qingdao Port .

  15. 面临货源变化的青岛港散货码头应对策略分析

    The Research of Responding Strategies to Changing Supply of Qingdao 's Bulk Terminal

  16. 青岛港外航道开挖区海床演变趋势分析

    An Analysis of the Seabed Evolution in the Outer Channel of Qingdao Port

  17. 青岛港风暴潮经验统计预报

    A statistical forecasting of storm surge in Qingdao harbor

  18. 青岛港建设北方国际航运中心战略及其实施对策

    Strategy of Building Qingdao Harbor into Northern International Shipping Center and the Solutions

  19. 青岛港集团公司发展战略

    The Developmental Strategy of Qingdao Harbor Grouping Corporation

  20. 青岛港港口物流发展的规划与策略

    Qingdao Port Logistics Developing Layout and Strategy

  21. 青岛港油三期码头潮流数学模型和泥沙回淤研究

    Tide Numerical Model and Sediment Siltation on the 3rd Phase Oil Terminal of Qingdao Harbor

  22. 青岛港木质高桩码头变形破坏监测与预报

    Monitoring and prediction of displacement and failure of high-rise wood piled wharf in Qingdao harbour

  23. 青岛港货运吞吐量的时间序列模型

    Time Series Model of Harbor Handling Capacity

  24. 同时,青岛港也面临着来自周边港口的激烈竞争。

    Meanwhile , Qingdao port is also facing the fierce competition from the nearby port .

  25. 具有中国特色的企业创新文化与创新绩效&基于青岛港的案例分析

    Innovative Corporate Culture and Creativity in the Chinese Context : a Case Study of Qingdao Port

  26. 青岛港液体化工码头区软基处理方法的对比分析研究

    Study on Comparative Analysis of Soft Foundation Treatment Methods for Qingdao Harbor Liquid Chemical Wharf Area

  27. 青岛港男性职工脂肪肝与体重指数和腰围的关系

    Relationship of fatty liver to body weight indexes and waistlines of male workers in Qingdao Port

  28. 青岛港港口物流发展研究

    Research on Port Logistics in Qingdao

  29. 青岛港竞争力分析

    Competitive Analysis of Qingdao Port

  30. 从青岛港方块码头的建设对《规范》的讨论

    Discussion on the norm with regard to the designing of the gravity block square quay in Qingdao harbour