
  • 网络youth hostel;Youth Hotel;YHA
  1. 是否可提供我一份青年旅馆的目录?

    Can I have a # cc0066 > youth hostel list ?

  2. 那像是住青年旅馆才会发生。

    It 's like living in a youth hostel .

  3. 论国际青年旅馆在中国的发展方向

    On the Developing Orientation of the International Youth Hotels in China

  4. 国际青年旅馆在中国发展中的问题与对策研究

    International Youth Hostels and Their Development in China : Problems and Countermeasures

  5. 这个城镇有青年旅馆吗?

    Is there a youth hostel in this town ?

  6. ?在北京我是住在青年旅馆嘛。

    So as I 've mentioned before I live at a youth hostel .

  7. 埃及青年旅馆协会好友信息俱乐部

    Friends Information Clubs , Egyptian Youth Hotel Association

  8. 可以考虑入住青年旅馆,尤其是在全世界物价更高的大城市。

    Consider youth hostels , especially in the more expensive cities around the world .

  9. 谈青年旅馆设计

    The Design of Youth Hotels

  10. 2.考虑青年旅馆

    Step 2 Consider youth hostels

  11. 此外,她住在青年旅馆,这也比宾馆便宜很多。

    She also got a bed in a youth hostel , which was much less than for a hotel .

  12. 青年旅馆与生态旅游&青年旅馆模式在我国自然保护区的适用性分析

    Youth Hostel and Eco tourism & An Analysis of Applicability of the Mode of Youth Hostel in Nature Reserves in China

  13. 初到都柏林时,宿舍没有开放,我和裕深还有少娟住在青年旅馆里。

    When we freshly arrived at Dublin , as our dorm was not available then , we had to live in a hostel .

  14. Neirotti为学生们找到了一个青年旅馆,所以学生们每晚只需支付40美元,相对于其他的住宿选择来说相对廉价。

    Professor Neirotti was able to find a youth hostel so the students pay a $ 40 a night compared to other lodging options .

  15. 青年旅馆是个培养友谊和分享经历的好地方,只有一点很遗憾,你没法选择你的邻居或室友。

    Hostels are great places to cultivate friendships and share your experiences abroad . It 's just a shame you can 't always choose your neighbors .

  16. 青年旅馆运动是世界性的基于回归自然运动的实践教育活动,它与生态旅游有着天然的联系。

    The movement of Youth Hostel , a worldwide educational and practical programme based on the notion of returning into nature , is closely linked with eco tourism .

  17. 我读大学时,旅馆超级受欢迎。到欧洲旅行的学生一般会住青年旅馆,这些旅馆还只提供给25、26岁以下的人。

    It was very popular , when I was in college , for students to travel to Europe and they would stay in " youth hostels ," hostels that were for men and women under the age of25 or26 .

  18. 由于我国加入国际青年旅馆联盟较迟,发展起步较晚,我国青年的观念因素、经济承受能力等原因,青年旅馆的用户面不够,经营状况不佳。

    Because of China 's late entry into the International Youth Hostel Federation and the traditional concepts and inadequate economic resources of Chinese youth , international youth hostels in the country are facing such problems as low bookings and poor operations .

  19. 本文研究了国际青年旅馆的形成因素和中国现有青年旅馆发展现状,探讨了中外青年旅馆之间在机理上的差异,论证中国青年旅馆未来发展趋势、模式和举措。

    This paper gives study on the forming factors of the international youth hotels and the present developing state in China , discusses the difference between domestic and foreign youth hotels and expounds the future developing trend and models of youth hotels in China .

  20. 我把他带到了基督教青年会旅馆。

    I took him to the Y.