
qīnɡ nián shí dài
  • sb’s youth
  1. 这乐曲勾起了她对青年时代的回忆。

    The music evoked memories of her youth .

  2. 这景象唤起了我对青年时代许多往事的追想。

    The scene awakened reminiscence of my youth .

  3. 他在青年时代就显示出前途无量。

    In his youth , he had shown great promise .

  4. 他在北方度过了青年时代。

    He spent his youth in the north .

  5. 从青年时代起,诺贝尔就对文学和哲学极感兴趣。

    From his youth , nobel had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy .

  6. 我在农村度过了童年和青年时代。

    I spent my whole childhood and youth in the country .

  7. 我们现在要关注下耶伦的青年时代。

    We took a look at Janet Yellen 's younger years .

  8. 我回想起了自己的青年时代。

    My mind drifts to the years of my youth .

  9. 步入青年时代后,我们渐渐成熟,也知道了太多太多的事情。

    Somewhere in our youth , we matured and learned too much .

  10. 帕格尼尼青年时代生活放荡。

    Paganini had led a wild life as a youth .

  11. 电影镜头忽然回到男主角的青年时代。

    The film flashed back to the hero 's youth .

  12. 青年时代弃绝官场,立志于报馆和律师。

    In youth he abandoned Officialdom and dedicated to lawyer and newspaper .

  13. 他在青年时代曾经有过想当钢琴家的雄心。

    In his youth he had the ambition of being a pianist .

  14. 这张照片又让我想起了他早已逝去的青年时代。

    The photo reminds me of the far-off days of his youth .

  15. 人在青年时代似乎一尊永生的神明。

    To be young is to be as one of the Immortal Gods .

  16. 青年时代,他的野心曾一度遭受挫折和失败。

    His youthful ambition was once foiled and defeated .

  17. 这次参观不单单只是一个让她重温青年时代的机会。

    The visit was more than just a chance to relive her youth .

  18. 他们在青年时代造了当时各种传统的反。

    In their youths , they rebelled against the traditions of their times .

  19. 从青年时代,我就有一个强壮的、叛逆的身体。

    From my youth up I have had a strong , rebellious body .

  20. 林风眠在青年时代主张为人生而艺术。

    In his early years , Lin proposed that ART should serve life .

  21. 在我辉煌的青年时代我是一名女继承人。

    I was an heiress in my gilded youth .

  22. 老人漫无边际地闲谈他的青年时代。

    The old man rambled on about his youth .

  23. 想钓鱼的念头使我忆起了我们的青年时代。

    Thoughts of fishing brought to mind our youth .

  24. 他青年时代的幻想又出现了。

    The fantastic ideas of his youth once more took possession of him .

  25. 这个景致唤起我对青年时代的回忆。

    Reminiscences the scene awakened reminiscences of my youth .

  26. 在她的青年时代,罗斯小姐尽到了身为一位教师的最大本分。

    In her young age Miss Ross did her best as a school teacher .

  27. 许多人尽管在青年时代并不十分出色,后来却变成了有名的科学家。

    Many men who have had few advantages in their youth became famous scientists .

  28. 甘芳的青年时代的简篇要掩闭!

    That Youth 's sweet-scented manuscript should close !

  29. 青年时代是人生的播种期。&霍姆斯

    Youth is life 's seedtime . & Holmes

  30. 奎拉安表示不再崇尚他青年时代的暴力方式。

    Quraan said he no longer believes in the violent ways of his youth .