
  • 网络marxist theory;Theory of Marxism
  1. 马克思主义理论创新的新成果新境界

    The New Achievements and Realm in the Innovation of Marxist Theory

  2. 社会工程哲学与马克思主义理论研究和建设工程

    Social Engineering Philosophy and Research and Construction Engineering for Marxist Theory

  3. 应强化马克思主义理论课的思想政治教育功能

    Strengthening Ideological and Political Education 's Function of Marxist Theoretical Course

  4. 论中国马克思主义理论队伍的形成、发展及历史作用

    The Marxism Theory Troop 's Formation > Development and Historical Function

  5. 富于创造性,与时俱进,开拓了马克思主义理论发展的新境界;具有十分重大的理论和现实意义。

    It 's of great signifcance in theory and reality .

  6. 第三,对各种非马克思主义理论进行深刻的批判以捍卫马克思主义。

    Third , criticizing profoundly the various non-Marxist theory to defend Marxism .

  7. 马克思主义理论课程综合功能的发挥

    On How To Give Play To The Comprehensive Functions of Marxism Courses

  8. 马克思主义理论的开放性决定了其教育教学的开放性。

    The theory 's opening resolves its teaching 's opening .

  9. 三个代表科学理论和科学理想的统一性与马克思主义理论教育

    Unities of Three Represents Scientific Theory and Thought and Marxism Theoretical Education

  10. 加强马克思主义理论学习,以提高自身的马克思主义理论素养;

    Strengthen study of Marxism to attain a better understanding of the theory ;

  11. 三是马克思主义理论教育的主要经验及启示。

    The first part is Education of Marxist theory of the main experience .

  12. 为了推动社会工程实践的健康发展,必须加强马克思主义理论对社会工程的指导作用。

    We must strengthen Marxist guidance so as to develop social engineering healthfully .

  13. 利益理论是马克思主义理论中一个很重要的基础理论。

    Interest theory is one of the essential and basic theories in Marxism .

  14. 他的生态学马克思主义理论,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    His ecology Marxism theory has the important theory value and the practical significance .

  15. 劳动异化是马克思主义理论的中心论题,在这里,埃尔斯特又补充增加了精神异化,劳动异化和精神异化结合起来成为剥削产生的深刻原因;

    The connection of spiritual alienation and labouring alienation is deep reason for exploitation ;

  16. 马克思主义理论的丰富与发展探索

    Exploration on Enriching and Developing of Marxism Theory

  17. 开始发挥马克思主义理论队伍对中国革命的引领作用。

    Marxist theory team began to play a leading role in the Chinese revolution .

  18. 马克思主义理论在高校思想政治工作中的地位和作用浅析

    Analysing Position and Function of Marxist Theory in Ideological and Political Work at Universities

  19. 第四章提出了增强高校马克思主义理论教育实效性的对策。

    The second chapter expatiates the serious challenge of Marxism theory education in university .

  20. 我们信仰马克思主义理论。

    We believe in the Marxist theory .

  21. 经济全球化背景下马克思主义理论与思想政治教育的思考

    Pondering on Marxist theory and Ideological and Political Education at the Background of Economic Globalization

  22. 阐述了马克思主义理论与西方经济理论之间的关系。

    Secondly , it points out the relation of Marxism and the West Economics Theory .

  23. 浅谈马克思主义理论创新

    On the creativity of the Marxisms theory

  24. 马克思主义理论有两个层面。

    Marxist theory has two strata .

  25. 延安整风与马克思主义理论教育

    Yan'an Rectification and Marxism Theory Education

  26. 文章就动机与效果对立统一关系,运用马克思主义理论展开论述;

    Unity of opposites for motive and effect is discussed according to the theory of Marxism ;

  27. 第五、马克思主义理论建设必须进一步深化和提高。

    Fifth , theoretical building of Marxism must be taken a further step and raised higher .

  28. 解读中国异化消费现状&西方生态学马克思主义理论的启示

    Interpretation of Alienation Consumption Situation in China & Inspiration from the Theory of Marxism of Ecology

  29. 与时俱进之马克思主义理论的本质,是马克思主义的生命力之所在。

    Progressing with times is the theoretical quality of Marxism and the key to its vitality .

  30. 改革开放以来党的马克思主义理论教育思想的发展也不例外。

    Chinese Communists ' thought on Marxism theoretical education since the reform and opening is no exception .