
tǔ dì sī yǒu zhì
  • private ownership of land;private land ownership
  1. 该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。

    The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land .

  2. 在土地私有制的基础上出现了封建的家族墓地。

    On the basis of private ownership of land , the feudal family graveyards emerged .

  3. 在现有各种改革思路中,土地私有制不符合现阶段中国基本国情;在公有制框架内实行土地股份制是一种较好的制度安排;

    Among all solutions , land privatization is not suitable for Chinese basic situation .

  4. 论古代印度发展中的土地私有制

    Private Ownership of Land in Ancient India

  5. 在20世纪100年间土地私有制发生了两次价值取向截然不同的跃迁。

    That has leaped twice beyond it and took totally different directions against the private ownership in the 20th century .

  6. 井田制的瓦解和土地私有制的产生引起政治上的巨大变化。

    The collapse of the well fields system and the emergence of the private ownership of lands brought out great changes in politics .

  7. 它的产生是历代中央王朝对西南的统治方略与封建土地私有制相结合的必然结果。

    Cha Huais an inevitable result of the combination of feudal private ownership of land and general plans made by successive central dynasties for dominating the southwest area .

  8. 而财产私有制的加强又促成了希腊土地私有制的确立,使之成为希腊城邦文明主要的也是最基本的内涵。

    The strengthening of private ownership of property has made for the establishment of private ownership of land in Greece , making it the main and most basic concept .

  9. 经济上,统治阶级维护其经济统治、土地私有制的确立和经济发展的结果。

    Second , in economics , as a result , ruling class seeks to maintain the economic domination , the development of private ownership of the land and economics .

  10. 商鞅变法包括废除过时的井田制,使土地私有制合法化,取消职级的世袭制,改用县制。

    Shangyang 's reforms include abolishing the outdated well-field system , legalizing the private ownership of land , canceling the hereditary system of rank and initiating a county system .

  11. 1917年后农民要求废除一切形式的土地私有制,禁止土地买卖,代之以农民土地占有制。

    In 1917 , farmers demanded to abolish all forms of private land possession system and to ban land dealing , instead , to set up a farmer land possession system .

  12. 唐中叶至清前期,在均田制被废除后,封建国家不再设立限制土地私有制和私有土地买卖的制度与法令。

    The middle of TANG to the early qing , after the land equalization policy was abolished , feudal state is no longer setting up a systemof laws and regulations that restrict private ownership of land and private land sales .

  13. 对照日本和台湾的农地制度改革,发现二者虽然在农业劳动力转移上取得了较大成功,但是在农地规模经营上却是不尽人意,究其因,乃是土地私有制在作祟。

    Contrasting the farmland system of Japanese and Taiwan are reformed , we have found the two made greater success in the agricultural workforce shifted , but it is less than satisfactory to have in the appropriate scale of operation of farmland .

  14. 同时,许多国家的土地私有制逐渐转向社会私有制,即基于公共利益和土地的公共性,政府会对土地私有产权的行使进行限制和干预。

    At the same time , private ownership of land in many countries is moving towards social private ownership gradually , namely which is based on the public interest , according to the land public , the government restricts on the exercise of land private property right .

  15. 许多国家的土地私有制逐渐转向社会私有制,强调土地的所有权的行使应能够增进公共福利,这些理念和做法必然体现在与土地相关的各种制度之中,那么,考察这些制度就显得非常重要。

    Private ownership of land in many countries is moving towards social private ownership gradually , which emphasizes the exercise of the land ownership should be to promote the public welfare . These ideas and practices are reflected in land-related systems . It is important to examine these systems .

  16. 以往学者对秦汉里制的研究,由于受到秦汉土地私有制的传统观点影响,更由于相关资料不足,在很多问题上存疑颇多,甚至存在误解。

    As far as the previous research is concerned , owning to the limitation of related data and even confined by the traditional standpoint of the privately owned system of the land during Qin and Han Dynasties , there exist many doubts on some problems and even lots of misunderstanding .

  17. 两年后,国都迁至咸阳,第二次变法被推行以在秦朝的31个郡县中建立郡县制、废除井田制、实行土地私有制、统一度量衡。

    Two years later , the capital was shifted to Xianyang and the second political reform was then introduced to establish the political system of county in which the State of Qin was divided into 31 counties , to abolish the nine-square system and make land private , and unify weights and measures ,

  18. 中国很早就出现了土地的私有制,土地产权的清晰,成为促使中国经济发展的重要激励制度。

    Land private ownership appeared in China long ago , then the distinction of land tenure became an important encouragement institution to impel .

  19. 宋代与以往各朝相比,经济形态发生了重大变化,尤其是小农经济的命脉&土地,发生了重大变化,土地私有制占据了主导地位。

    The economic formations have undergone tremendous changes in Song Dynasty compared with previous dynasties . Especially the lifeblood of the small-scale peasant economy & land has a major change : private ownership of land takes the leading role .

  20. 蒙古归附清朝后其土地的所有制关系发生了很大的变化,土地私有制逐步形成,并且成为主要的土地所有制形式。

    After Manchu conquered Mongolia , private ownership of land became Mongolian major economic form .

  21. 土地所有者拥有土地的人该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。

    One that owns land . The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land .

  22. 北美土地的富足加速了封建土地生产关系的瓦解以及资本主义土地私有制的确立,为商业性农业的发展创造了广阔的自由空间。

    The abundance of the land accelerated the collapse of the feudal ownership of land and promoted the establishing of capitalistic one . As a result , it created a freedom for the development of commercial agriculture .

  23. 中唐以后,均田制崩溃,封建国家土地所有制逐渐走向衰落,取而代之的是以地主土地所有制为主要标志的封建土地私有制。

    After the mid-Tang Dynasty , The system of equalized field allotments collapses , the feudal country land ownership moves toward the decline gradually , replaced by a host of land ownership as the main indicator of the feudal private ownership of land .

  24. 印度的土地私有制度并不成功,50多年的持续改革也不能减缓贫困现象,因此中国不能实行土地私有制。

    India 's privatization of land is hardly successful . Over 50 years of continuous reform does not reduce poverty much , which tells China not to rush to land privatization .