
  • 网络Promotion
  1. 自动拨号器–指电现有顾客或老顾客,告知新的优惠促销方案

    Auto dialers – to call existing and past customers with new offers and promotions

  2. 京晶:也有很多优惠促销吗?

    Are there lots of promotions ?

  3. 降价或店内优惠促销通常都会让消费者变心。

    A price cut or good in-store promotion can often sway shoppers .

  4. 同时他们也会很有理由地抱怨,由于日元贬值,丰田获得了不公平的竞争优势,同时还用大手笔优惠来大肆促销。

    And they will complain also correctly that Toyota is getting an unfair advantage from the cheap yen and is boosting sales with unusually high incentives .