
  • 网络Capital budgeting;Capital budget
  1. 其次该方法具有一种信息传递的功能,常常被拿来进行资本预算提议与决议间的信息沟通ChenandClark。

    It has a communication role ; PB is primarily used to communicate capital budgeting proposals and decisions Chen and Clark .

  2. 由于这些原因,一般其它资本预算方法比如NPV,IRR更为常用。

    For these reasons , other methods of capital budgeting like NPV , IRR are generally preferred .

  3. 企业资本预算传统DCF方法的缺陷以及在不确定性条件下实物期权方法的优势;

    The failure of the traditional discounted cash flows approach and the comparative advantage of real options analysis under uncertainty ;

  4. 易方在面临产品转型期,为了应对各方面的竞争压力,对MID项目要进行科学的资本预算研究。

    In the face of product transformation , The MID project of Yifang digital is researched Scientifically on capital budget when Yifang digital respond to competitive pressures in all aspects .

  5. NPV是一种用于资本预算的方法,在预算中要从现金流入的现值中减去现金流出的现值。

    NPV is an approach used in capital budgeting where the present value of cash inflows is subtracted by the present value of cash outflows .

  6. IRR经常用于资本预算,它是使得所有现金流动的净现值为零的利率。

    Often used in capital budgeting , IRR is the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero .

  7. NPV规则隐含着完全信息的假设,这与存在信息不对称的现实资本预算不符。

    Due to the assumption of complete information , the Net Present Value rule does not accord with the realistic capital budgeting that characterize with information asymmetry .

  8. 第二部分论述了影响公司IPO决策的主要因素,融资选择多样化、公司治理结构、资本预算、资本结构、信息披露和发行成本。

    The second section illuminates six factors affecting the corporate IPO decision . These factors include variety of financing choices , corporate governance , capital budgeting , capital structure , information disclosure and issuing cost .

  9. 随后,实物期权被广泛运用于资本预算和价值评估领域,相比传统的资本预算模型(DCF)具有无比优越性。

    Subsequently , real option is widely exercised in capital budgeting and value evaluating and shows tremendous superiority compared to the traditional capital budget model ( DCF ) .

  10. 最常用的资本预算技术是ROI/偿还期技术,远远超过了净现值(NPV)和内部收益率(IRR)技术。

    Well ahead of net present value ( NPV ) and internal rate of return ( IRR ), the most frequently used capital budgeting technique is the ROI / payback period .

  11. 本文介绍了用于估算MIS成本&收益的资本预算模型,资本预算模型是用于计量长期资本投资项目投资值的方法之一,信息系统可以看作为长期资本投资项目。

    This paper introduces the capital budgeting models for evaluating the cost-benefit of MIS . Capital budgeting models are one of several methods used to measure the value of investing in long-term capital investment projects . Information systems are considered long-term capital investment projects .

  12. 应用资本预算模型计量管理信息系统的成本&收益分析

    Capital Budgeting Models Used to Measure the Cost-Benefit Analysis of MIS

  13. 约束下资本预算是投资决策的常见问题。

    Problems of constrained capital budgeting are common in investment decision .

  14. 资本预算净现值法则和内含收益率法则比较分析

    The Comparison and Analysis Between the Rule of NPV and IRR

  15. 基于实物期权的资本预算问题探讨

    Based on in kind time power capital budget question discussion

  16. 某国有电信运营企业资本预算管理研究

    The Research of Capital-Budget Mangement of One State-owned Telecom Enterprise

  17. 偿付能力约束下的寿险公司资本预算方法研究

    Capital Budgeting for Life Insurers under the Solvency Margin Restriction

  18. 基于持续期的企业资本预算折现率风险研究

    Study on Discounted Rate Risk for Corporation Capital Budgeting Based on Duration

  19. 实施经济资本预算管理的理论基础是最优资本结构理论的存在。

    Its theories foundation is the existence of the superior capital structure .

  20. 论公司资本预算限额的项目选择

    On the Selection of Projects for the Budget Limit of Corporate Capital

  21. 然而,能够为企业投资决策提供信息的就是它的资本预算过程。

    However , the capital budgeting can provide wide information to the enterprise'sinvesting .

  22. 不同生命周期项目组合的约束资本预算优化模型及算法

    Constraint Optimization Model and Algorithm of Capital Budgeting of Different Life Cycle Projects

  23. 资本预算中实物期权理论和方法应用的探讨

    The Application of Real Options Theory in Capital Budgeting

  24. 约束下资本预算优化模型与算法

    Constrained Optimization Model of Capital Budgeting & its Algorithm

  25. 融资结构与资本预算方法选择

    Financial Structure and the Choice of Capital Budgeting Methods

  26. 跨国资本预算决策支持系统的模型

    The Decision Support System Modeling of Transnational Capital Budget

  27. 资本预算是跨国企业海外投资的第一步。

    Capital Budgeting is the md step of oversee Investment for Chinese Enterprises .

  28. 中国企业海外投资的资本预算

    Capital Budgeting of Oversee Investment for Chinese Enterprises

  29. 中国企业海外投资资本预算决策支持系统的开发

    Development of Decision Supporting System for Capital Budgeting of Chinese Enterprises ' Offshore Investment

  30. 资本预算中相关现金流量的识别

    Identification on Relevant Cash Flows in Capital Budget