
  1. AMC不良资产评估的会计处理思考

    Reflections on the Accountant Management in the Valuation of Non - performing Assets of AMC

  2. 资产评估与会计计价的区别

    Distinguishes Between the Assets Valuation and the Accounting Valuation

  3. 国有施工企业资产评估结果的会计处理方法

    Accounting Treatments to the Result of State-Owned Construction Enterprise Asset Evaluation

  4. 谈股权转让过程中资产评估结果的会计处理

    The Accounting Treatment on Property Assessment in the Process of Equity Transfer

  5. 资产评估中相关会计问题研究

    Research into the Accounting Problems in the Asset Evaluation

  6. 试论资产评估折旧与会计折旧的区别

    The Unlikeness of Property Assessment Depreciation and Accounting Depreciation

  7. 文章首先针对资产评估后的会计调帐与不调帐的问题进行了探讨;并就如何进行资产剥离以及剥离后如何进行报表的调整展开了论述;

    Firstly , the paper discuss the question is whether we adjust account after the assets assessement or not .

  8. 企业股份制改造资产评估增值的会计税务处理论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    The Accounting Taxation Methods of the Estimating Rise in Assets Value in the Course of the Enterprise 's Stock Transforming . Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective

  9. 资产评估前期准备准备会计的研究

    The pre-time Preparation for Appraisal Work The Study on Reserve Accounting