
zhù cè zī běn
  • registered capital;registered certificate of shares
  1. 我们是一家中美合资企业,注册资本为1亿美元。

    We are a Sino-US joint venture with a registered capital of USD 100 million .

  2. 本文选取的案例KW公司是一家成立于1994年的食品机械制造公司,初始员工不超过10人,注册资本为50万元。

    For the case selected in this paper , KW is a food machinery manufacturer established in 1994 with a registered capital of RMB 500K and initial staff no more than 10 persons .

  3. 拥有2000亿美元注册资本的中国投资有限责任公司(ChinaInvestmentCorp。)已开始在全球范围内广招贤才,为其在全球金融市场中的股票及债券投资寻找合适的管理者。

    China 's $ 200 billion sovereign wealth fund has launched a global recruitment drive , aiming to attract staff to manage its purchases of stocks and bonds on global financial markets .

  4. 加入WTO之后,我国政府履行承诺,决定从2007年7月1日起,取消外商投资旅行社在国内设立分支机构的限制,并对外资旅行社的注册资本实行国民待遇。

    Having been accessed to the WTO , Chinese government keeps its promises and decided that from July 1st , 2007 , all travel agencies which are invested by foreign investor will be abolished the restriction of setting up branch sections in China .

  5. 浅析虚报注册资本罪的若干问题

    On the Crime of Making a False Report About Registered Capital

  6. 有一百万元人民币以上的注册资本;

    Having a registered capital of at least one million yuan ;

  7. 你认为注册资本是多少呢?

    How much do you expect the registered capital to be ?

  8. 新《公司法》下的虚报注册资本罪新论

    Discussing Crime of False Reporting Registered Capital under New Companies Act

  9. 企业法人注册资本的法律性质

    The Legal Quality of Registered Capital of Legal Representative of Enterprise

  10. 外商投资企业注册资本虚假投资及法律对策研究

    Study on Fake Investment of Foreign Invested Enterprises and Legal Countermeasure

  11. 企业注册资本门槛降低。

    The registered capital threshold of telecommunication enterprises will be lowered .

  12. 对股份有限公司减少注册资本若干问题的法律分析

    Comments on the Reduction of Registered Capital of a Joint-stock Limited Company

  13. 论中外合资经营企业注册资本制度的完善

    On Perfecting the Capital Registration System of Sino - foreign Joint Ventures

  14. 有人民币3万元以上的注册资本;

    Having a registered capital of RMB30,000 yuan or more ;

  15. 外商投资企业为有限责任公司,责任应限为(注册资本总额)。

    The foreign capital enterprise shall be a limited company .

  16. 公司注册资本法律问题研究

    A Study On the Legislative Problems of the Registered Capital of Corporation

  17. 章程、注册资本或注册地址变更;

    Its articles of association , registered capital or registered address alters ;

  18. 论公司注册资本的经济法律意义

    Analysis of the Economic and Legal Significance of Registered Capital of Company

  19. 合营公司注册资本和负债情况;

    The registered capital and debts of the JV company ;

  20. 第三章投资总额和注册资本

    The Total Amount of Investment and The Registered Capital

  21. (一)注册资本最低限额为人民币五亿元;

    A minimum registered capital of 500 million yuan ;

  22. 具有本办法规定的最低限额的注册资本;

    Registered capital no less than the minimum requirements stipulated by these rules .

  23. 有不少于30万元的注册资本。

    Having registered capital of no less than RMB300,000 .

  24. 制订公司增加或者减少注册资本的方案;

    To formulate plans for increasing or decreasing registered capital of the company .

  25. 三合营企业注册资本的增加、转让;

    3 increase or assignment of the registered capital of the joint venture ;

  26. 农村商业银行多跨省设立;注册资本较大。

    Rural commercial banks prefer inter-provincial establishment and high level of registered capital .

  27. 有符合本法规定的注册资本最低限额;

    The lowest amount of the registered capital as stipulated by this law ;

  28. 注册资本不实对正常社会经营秩序将带来严重破坏。

    The fraudulent registered capital will destroy the normal social and economic orders .

  29. 企业普遍存在注册资本虚假和信用差的问题。

    Enterprises , generally , have problems with bad credit and fales registered capital .

  30. 注册资本该是多少?

    How much should the registered capital be ?