
  • 网络Business individuals;Sole Proprietor In Commercial Law
  1. 由于语音业务仍然是运营商个人业务的主要收入来源,因此,CM-IMS与CS网络将是一个长期共存的关系。

    Because speech business is still operator individual business the main source of revenue , therefore , CM-IMS and CS network will be a long-term coexistence relationship .

  2. 从小商贩的合法化途径看我国商个人体系的建构

    On Establishment of Business Individual System in China from Justification Ways of Peddlers

  3. 比智商更重要的是逆商一个人想要成功,最需要的能力是什么?

    What is the most important quality for a person to succeed ?

  4. 天才宝贝中国将如何助您达成您的营商及个人目标?

    How will the FasTrackids china 's business opportunity help you reach your business & personal goals ?

  5. 为各类出版、新闻单位及网络服务商和个人提供法律顾问服务。

    Providing legal service for publishers , news press and other users of published works as well as individuals .

  6. 伴随着互联网的普及,由于网络服务商对个人信息的商业利用,网络隐私权作为隐私权在网络空间中的延伸面临着越来越多的危险。

    With the popularity of the internet and because of internet service providers ' commercial utilization upon personal information , online privacy is faced with more and more risk as an extending in the space of internet of privacy .

  7. 配镜商写给某个人关于所配眼镜的书面说明。若是你要配眼镜,你要找去验光师。

    Written instructions for an optician on the lenses for a given person . If you need glasses , you should see an optometrist .

  8. 现在,北京正在立法试图能够对于那些造成大量人员死亡的药品生产商和其他个人或集体给予最高的处罚&死刑。

    Now , Beijing is drafting legislation that could mete out the ultimate punishment for drug companies or others whose products harm or kill large numbers of people & the death penalty .

  9. 名列排行榜第二位的是另一位房地产商许荣茂,他的个人净资产达73亿美元;

    In second place was another developer , Hui Wing Mau , with a net worth of $ 7.3 billion .

  10. 激励的方法是独一无二的运营商为每一个人,但有一个恰当的激励手段,可以在您的操作。

    The methods for motivating operators are unique for each individual , but there is a right mix of motivational tactics that can work in your operation .

  11. 这是商学院查看一个人本质的机会。对于什么样的人适合这家商学院,面试官可能很会坚持己见;对那些专注于团队合作的机构来说,尤其如此。

    It is where the school finds out who the person really is and interviewers may have strong views on the type of person they believe will fit into the school , particularly for those institutions that focus on team working .

  12. 商合伙乃介于商法人与商个人之中重要的基本商主体之一。商合伙具有明显区别于一般民事合伙及商法人和商个人的呈系统的特别法律特征。

    As the very important business subject , business partnership has the legal characteristics which are obviously different from the common civil partnership and the other business subjects .

  13. 因此,规范网络服务商的行为,将网络服务商纳入侵犯个人隐私权的刑事责任主体,是对个人隐私权的有力保护,也是促进网络事业健康发展的有力保证。

    Therefore , standardizing the behavior of internet service providers and including them in the subject of criminal responsibility which violate individual privacy , is a powerful privacy protection , but also a strong guarantee to promote the healthy development of the network .