
shānɡ fǎ rén
  • juridical person in mercantile law;entity in mercantile law
  1. 现代商法人是市场主体体系中最为重要的商人。

    Modern business corporation is the most important business subject in the system of market subjects .

  2. 商合伙乃介于商法人与商个人之中重要的基本商主体之一。商合伙具有明显区别于一般民事合伙及商法人和商个人的呈系统的特别法律特征。

    As the very important business subject , business partnership has the legal characteristics which are obviously different from the common civil partnership and the other business subjects .

  3. 商主体的类型划分应采用商主体法定原则,即用强行法规范对商主体的类型、设立和内容加以严格的控制。商主体的类型,包括商个体、商法人和商合伙。

    The type of commercial subject should be divided in according to the principle of legal prescription , that is , limiting the type establishment and content of commercial subject with compulsory norms .